Chapter 10: The Sabotage

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 Iroh and the crew were having their weekly music night, Zuko and I were in his room meditating. We had bren traveling north, following the Avatar to the Northern Water Tribe. I have progressed far into my ability to firebend, I however, needed to work more on my waterbending. A teacher is really what I needed, through with my current predicament, I've had to rely on tattered, faded waterbending scrolls that Iron had collected in his travels. Iroh had been begging Zuko all day to play tsungi horn for them all day and was met with the same response every time, "Ayaka and I are meditating, as a part of her training later and will not be able to join."

So when Iroh had entered Zuko's dark warm, the only light coming from our candles, Zuko's response was short, "For the last time Uncle, I'm not playing the tsungi horn!"

Iroh stepped into the room with a grim face, "No, it's about our plans. There's a bit of a problem."

That was when Zhao stepped into the room, a smug look on his disgusting face, "I'm taking your crew."

Zuko stood up, and turned to Zhao, "What?" He yells.

"I've recruited them forma little expedition to the North Pole."

Zuko turned to Iroh, "Uncle is it tue?"

"I'm afraid so. He's taking everyone," Iroh covered his face with his hands, "even the cook!"

"Sorry, you won't be there to see me capture the Avatar, but I can't have you getting in my way again."

Zuko went to charge at Zhao but Iroh cuts him off, "No!" I put a comforting hand on Zuko's upper arm. Zhao had his back to us, he checking out the broadswords hanging on the wall. The dame swords Zuko had used when freeing the Avatar from Zhao's fortress. Zuko and I swap wide eyes for a second because composing ourselves.

"I didn't know you were skilled with broadswords, Prince Zuko. Did you know this, little girl?" I glared at him as he took one of the wall and wielded.

"I'm not. They're antiques. Just decorative."

"I've never seen him use them before, sir."

Zhao addressed Iroh, "Have you heard of the Blue Spirit, General Iroh?"

Iroh nodded, "Just rumors through, I don't think he is real."

"He's real alright." Zhao hands off the broad sword he took of the wall to Iroh," He's an enemy of the Fire Nation. But I have a feeling justice will catch up with him soon." As Zhao walks to the door he speaks to Iroh, "General Iroh, the offer to join my mission still stands... if you change your mind."

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Zuko was laying in his bed, and I was sitting on the fuzzy red rug with Tadashi listening to the music on my mp3. I had been sitting with him since Zhao left, the first hour or two was Zuko ranting to me about two it was unfair for Zhao to do this to him, the crowned prince of the Fire Nation. Eventually he lost steam and laid on his bed starring at the ceiling, I decided that I would just sit with him and give him company.

Iroh poked his head into the cabin, "The crew wanted me to wish you safe travels."

Zuko scoffed, "Good riddance to those traitors.

"It's a lovely night for a walk. Why don't you two join me? It would clear your heads. Or sit in this dark room. Whatever makes you happy"

Zuko made no effort to respond so I responded for us, "I'm sorry Iroh, I think I'll stay here with Zuko tonight, but here to Tadasi with you! He needs the fresh air. I hope you enjoy your walk! Maybe we'll join you tomorrow."

"That would be lovely." With that Iroh left the ship, with Tadashi in his arms.

I leaned my head back to rest on the edge of Zuko's bed, the sheets matching the rug and curtains, "It'll get better Zuko. I'm sorry that this happened to you, we'll find a way to fix this. If we can't we'll find a way to continue on that journey. Okay?"

Zuko let out a sigh, "You are too kind to me Ayaka. You don't even agree with what I'm doing. You could've easily left with the crew."

"And work for Zhao? That guy's a creep." I decided to lift myself onto his bed and lay on my side facing him, "You deserve all the kindness I've given and more, because you are a human being. I'm not going anywhere". In that moment, Zuko pulled me closer to his side, and I draped my free arm over his just, "It'll be okay," I told him before my eyes started to feel heavy.

I only woke up when Zuko shook me awake, "I heard something on the ship. I got up with him, and we searched the ship until we made it to the helmsman tower, "Uncle? Is that you?" Zuko called out, we turned to see the parrot like creature that the pirates had. The ship started to rumble and shake, Zuko's eyes went wide, he wrapped his arms around me and shielded me from the blast that traveled up the ship, and launched out of the tower, glass shattering and raining down with us, into the frigid water below.

The cold seeped into my bones, and I thrashed around in the water until I gained my bearings. I made it up for air, and looked around for Zuko, whom I could not find, and no response was made to my calls for him. I took a deep breath and searched the dark water, the moon giving me only the subtlest light. I found him floating down around 5 feet under the surface. I grabbed him and pulled him above the water and eventually to the sandy shore.

I laid him on his back, the ruble and remains of the ship surrounding us. I checked for a breath that was not there, "Come on Zuko, please! Don't die! I'm supposed to protect you!" I cried, salt tears streaming down my face, my cheeks burned with fear. I tried to perform CPR but it was working, and then an idea dawned on me. I'm a waterbender. I could bend the water out of his lungs if I concentrate hard enough. I sat there taking a deep breath, and tried to calm my shaking hands and I felt for the water in his lungs. I felt it, and pulled it out of his lungs and up his throat until it come out his mouth.

Zuko sputtered, and fluttered his eyes open, "How many times are you going to put me this situation?" I smiled softly down at him, his face was littered with little cuts and bruises, yet I felt something stir inside me, like the butterflies that lived in me became animated.

He grinned back at me, "As much as you can tolerate." I sobbing laughter escaped me and i wrapped my arms around his weak form, and his arms hugged me back weakly

"I'm so happy you're okay."

A minute later, Iroh came running to us, "Are you to okay?"

I helped Zuko sit up, and we both nodded, "We both okay Iroh, just a few scratches and bruises" I assured the old man.

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