18: checkmate

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A/N: you guys are sooo lucky with all these updates... enjoy it while it lasts as I may have to take a breather soon lol! 😅


School suddenly became hell, even more than usual. I thought I was used to being shunned, because I was a nerd, but now it was so much worse. All it took was that Tuesday lunchtime and end of school for Zedd to have spread the news that I was gay. To basically everyone. I had known something like that would happen but it was still a shock when I walked through the front gates and everyone looked at me sideways like either I was a strange new species or a piece of dirt they found on their favourite pair of shoes.

At lunch I still sat with Steph, of course, but the difference was that the lgbtq+ group in the corner sent curious and sympathetic looks to me while everyone else sneered and snickered insults with their friends. Why did they even care
so much? It wasn't that big of a deal. And it was really pissing me off. Stephanie had obviously heard that Zedd was spreading the news that I was gay but she was even more horrified when I explained to her what had happened. When I spoke of Axel's visit, my voice began to shake and she reached across the table to hold my hand with a compassionate look.

There was a chess club meeting after school but I was unsure if I wanted to go. I was scared that the people there would now look at me with judgement too and refuse to play with me. But then I decided I was stronger than that. Fuck it. I was gay and if they didn't like it they could fuck off. I'd had enough of hiding my true self.


My palms were clammy and I felt like I was going to spew as I stood in front of the classroom door where I knew the chess club met after school. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. But I'd had enough of pretending to be a playboy jock. I'd had enough pretending to be someone I wasn't. I'd had enough being silent. And if there was any chance to get back the boy I loved then I was going to take it.

I pushed open the door and its creak seemed to resound in the silent room. Everyone turned their head to look at me, looking suspicious and shocked that I had dared set foot in the geek area. I definitely felt like the odd one out. I searched the room for Elias and once my eyes settled on his chocolate brown curls and wide surprised eyes, he ducked his head quickly and finished setting up the chess board he was sitting in front of.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and closed the door behind me before making my way across the classroom towards Elias. A redhead girl was seated in front of him and it looked like they were about to start a game.

"Sorry, excuse me," I flushed, "Would I be able to take your spot? I need to talk to Elias." I asked the redhead.

"Okay," she mumbled and got up.

I sent a small thankful smile her way before sliding down into the seat. Facing Elias. My now ex-boyfriend. Who I loved. He was glaring down at the chess pieces.

"What do you want?" He finally asked, still refusing to look up.

"I want to make a deal," I leaned forwards towards him.

He finally looked up, seeming both curious and suspicious with one raised eyebrow.

"What about?" He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"I challenge you to a chess game. If you win, I will come out to the whole school. But if I win you agree to give me another chance," I explained, holding my breath with hope.

"You can play chess?" Was Elias' only response.

"Yes, I played with my grandfather," my voice wobbled slightly, "But do we have a deal?"

Elias hesitated and seemed to think about it for a moment. I knew he was the school chess champion and I had little chance of winning. But I couldn't help but hope that if I had the balls to go through with the deal and tell everyone that I was gay, maybe, just maybe, he might still give me another chance. And if there was any chance at all that I could call him my boyfriend once more and hold him close, then I would do it.

"Fine," he sighed, "You have a deal."

I sighed in relief and tried not to show the joy and hope I was feeling on my face.

"Okay," I replied before moving a piece since I was on the white side and so had to start first.

The game was long. So long. We were actually pretty well matched but in the end Elias' champion skills triumphed. It was close. So close. But it was with a look of grim satisfaction that he moved one of his pieces.

"Checkmate," he said in a low voice.

I observed the board closely and he was right. I had lost. I had expected it but the realisation of what I had to do to uphold my half of the deal still hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Well done," I sighed, biting my lip.

I put out my hand to shake his and after a moment of hesitation he took it and shook it gently. His hand was warm and familiar and I had trouble letting go. I never wanted to let go of his hand. His eyes seemed to see right through me, to see my turmoil.

"I won't hold it against you if you back out of the deal. It has been a long time since someone has been so evenly matched to me and I enjoyed the challenge," Elias said softly.

"No," I retorted back a bit too aggressively due to my nerves.

Elias ducked his face, observing the largely empty chess board and worried at his bottom lip. I clenched my fists under the table. The scabs on the back of my knuckles from yesterday stung as they were stretched.

"I'm tired of being a coward. I made a deal and I will see it through," I said harshly, "Just remember, this is for you."

Elias raised his head in surprise at the conviction in my tone and I stood up, tucking the chair back in. With one last small smile to him I turned my back and made way out of the room. Sealing my fate.

A/N: *dun dun dunnnn* 👀
I finally managed to put 'checkmate' as a chapter title hehe 😉
So what do you think of Axel's deal? Do you think he will actually go through with it? How could he do it? Do you think Elias would give him another chance if Axel fulfils his deal? 🤔
Remember to vote and comment 💞

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