4: wattpad & idiots

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A/N: ^song Elias is listening to.


I ambled down the hallway, not really aware of the conversations going on around me as I listened to my music playing through my earphones. I still had those ones with the cords as even though my parents were pretty well off they said it would be a waste of money to buy me AirPods. I can always hope for my birthday.

People would probably be shocked if they knew what music I listened to. I'm sure they didn't expect my nerdy self to listen to hard rock, heavy metal and rap. Which I did. Right now I was listening to a German heavy metal band called Rammstein, specifically their song 'Sehnsucht'. I loved the beat and instrumentals of this band. I was so caught up in my music that walking with my gaze on the floor resulted in me running straight into a wall. A warm, muscular, and very much living, wall.

"S-s-sorry," I mumbled before looking up.

I froze as I realised it was Axel. And he was glaring at me. Axel may be a broody guy but I had never seen him look so mean.

"Watch where you are going!" He growled at me before shoving past and continuing down the hall.

I felt as if someone was squeezing my heart. I was used to being shunned by others due to my nerd status but I had never imagined friendly Axel, my secret crush, to look or talk to me like that. It was weird.

I was distracted the whole morning and then lunchtime rolled around.

"Hey Steph!" I smiled at my best friend as I placed my lunch on the table in the cafeteria at which she was seated.

"Hi Eli!" She chirped although she didn't look up from where she was typing on her MacBook, "I'm working on a really cool algorithm!"

Stephanie is a coder and since birds of a feather flock together our geeky asses made friends in the first few days we came to this school. She was kinda small, with mousy brown hair, freckles and big green eyes behind her black glasses.

I unwrapped my cheese toastie and pulled out my phone. When Steph was deep in a code nothing could gain her attention. I clicked onto Wattpad and continued to read 'Maybe', a really cool fantasy bxb story that I was currently reading.

"Watcha reading?" A voice rang behind me.

I quickly turned off my phone, glad that I wasn't reading a part where the boys had been doing anything together and turned around to face the speaker.

It was Zedd. One of Axel's friends. And a notorious homophobic dickhead. He had spiky brown hair and dark eyes and he was also one of the jocks. He could knock me down in one punch. I bit my lip, wondering what he wanted.

"I know that story. My brother goes on Wattpad and I checked out what he was reading once, that little fag. It's called 'Baby'? No wait, 'Maybe'? Yeah, and isn't it about fags fucking?" Zedd asked in a jeering voice.

I gulped. I had forgotten that he's little brother was gay and that after he came out Zedd started to absolutely hate him and often got physical with him. If he found out I was gay then I was dead meat too.

"Um... no it's not. It's a fantasy story with magic and stuff." I replied, avoiding to mention gay relationships.

"As if that makes it any better! They're all little gay fairy boys then?" Zedd snorted.

"They're not fairy boys!! And their sexuality isn't the point of the story!" I replied annoyed and slightly flushing.

"Still. You seem to enjoy the story, does that mean you are a stupid fag too?" Zedd sneered.

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