6: a gay brother

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I was still in shock that I was paired with Axel for the art project. And that he had given me his number. And that he had asked me over to his house this afternoon. And that I was currently waiting for him outside the front of the school. This is only the sort of thing that happens in my dreams. Not in real life.

I stood up straighter as I saw Axel walk out the doors and make his way over to me with a smile on his face. His smile was so beautiful I felt my heart flutter like the stupid love-struck teenager that I was.

"Follow me," Axel gestured as he came up to me.

I obediently followed him and realised that he was making his way to the parking.

"You have a car?" I asked.

"Yep," he smirked at me, "I got my P-plates a couple of weeks ago and since my brother's been hitching rides to uni with his boyfriend he lets me drive to school with his car."

His brother's... boyfriend?! His brother was gay?! My confusion must have shown on my face because he looked over at me.

"Is that a problem?" He asked, his voice suddenly hard.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"That my brother has a boyfriend. Does that bother you?" He raised his eyebrows.

"N-no. Of course not!" I quickly replied.

That would be a joke. Of course it's not a problem, because I'm also freaking gay, I wanted to snap back at Axel, but obviously I didn't. But maybe he would have a better reaction then people like Zedd if he found out. I don't understand how he could stay friends with Zedd when he insults people like his brother. I followed him in silence to a white ute with faint dirt marks.

"This it?" I questioned.

"Yep," Axel smiled at the car and affectionately patted its bonnet.

"You're lucky that you have a car already," I commented, "Even if you're sharing with your brother. I'm still on my L-plate and I think my parents are terrified of the idea of me driving."

Axel chuckled and I felt a sense of satisfaction and pride that my nerdy shunned self had managed to make the popular jock laugh. I smiled to myself. Axel's laugh was warm and rich, like the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

"Well come on, let's go." Axel smiled at me before walking to the driver side of the car and clambering in.

I hurriedly opened the passenger door and climbed up into the ute. I closed the door and placed my backpack on my lap after pulling on my seatbelt.

"Do you usually walk to school?" Axel asked as he pulled his own seatbelt on and turned the key.

"Yeah," I replied, "I only live two blocks away so it's fine."

Axel nodded and began to reverse out of his spot and drove out of the carpark. I couldn't help but look at him out the corner of my eye. I rarely had the chance to be this close to him and I took the opportunity to admire his sculpted side profile. I let my eyes wander over his sharp cheekbones and jawline and the way he clenched his jaw as he worked the clutch.

My eyes trailed down his tanned muscular bare arm and I gulped as the whole action of gear changing, his flexing biceps and the way his long fingers tightened, pulled and released deftly, suddenly gained an erotic quality. I quickly glanced back to the road in front of us and fought to control the sudden blood flow that I felt surging in my cheeks and between my legs.


Did he really think I couldn't notice the way he was looking at me? Gay or not, he was undeniably checking me out. I could practically feel his gaze on my profile, caressing like soft feathers. Even if he said he wasn't gay, the way he was looking at me made me feel very gay indeed. Shit, I was barely containing my blush.

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