22: first love, first fuck [mature]

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A/N: WARNING!! This is a mature chapter. This means graphic descriptions of male genitalia and bxb action. Remember to skip if not your piece of cake, otherwise, enjoy. 😉😊
Also for the pic above, just swap the hair colours and it's pretty accurate 😏😅

Elias (continued)

We stumbled up the stairs in anticipation, and Axel, not having visited my second storey accidentally went to push open my parent's bedroom door.

"No no!" I yelped and dragged him in the opposite direction.

He chuckled but followed me in my bedroom. I expected him to look around but instead he pulled me straight to him. Lips were sucked and bruised, hands tearing at clothes, bodies pressed tightly together. Before I knew it we were both naked and gasping for air. I trembled at the feeling of Axel's bare skin brushing against mine. I could feel his muscles flexing against me. Each touch of his fingertips sparked my skin. Our hardened erections rubbed against each other and we moaned in unison. I pushed Axel back onto my bed, crawling between his legs and admiring his well hung prize.

"You're so big," I licked my lips as I took in his boner.

"Not as big as you," Axel replied breathlessly, making my ego and penis happy.

I hungrily observed his spread-out body beneath me. His dick was stretched demandingly, just touching his sculpted abs. It was darker than mine although not as golden as the rest of his skin. Veins stood out and while he wasn't as long as me he had a thick girth. His tip was moist and enlarged, a bit like a mushroom. The base of his dick was covered by a light scattering of golden curls that crept up his v-line and decorated his balls. The balls themselves were large and egg-shaped.

"Oh fuck," Axel bucked his hips as I fondled his golden eggs with one hand and squeezed the base of his cock with the other.

"Elias," he moaned and I looked up at his darkened eyes, "Fuck me. Please."

I gulped and my dick twitched. It wanted nothing more than to obey my boyfriend. I momentarily regretted not having watched porn. Maybe then I would have known how to start this off. I simply prayed that my instincts would lead me as well as they had with the hand job I had given Axel in the past.

"No," I smirked, "I'm not going to fuck you. I'm going to make love to you."

Axel gasped but I swallowed it as I placed my own mouth back over his. He moaned and began kissing me back fervently, arching his back in an attempt to rub himself up on me. I slid a knee between his legs and he obediently spread them. I pressed my knee against his balls and he rolled himself against me. I blindly chucked my glasses onto my bedside table and scrabbled in the first drawer, grabbing onto the small bottle hidden under my socks. Lube. I flicked open the lid and dribbled some on my fingers. I snaked my hand down between Axel's legs and softly brushed against his puckered hole.

"Oh hell," he gasped out in surprise and anticipation, further spreading his legs.

I grinned to myself and touched my middle finger to his dilating entrance. I stroked around, feeling the folds of his skin and the hard muscle as he squirmed. When I peered down between his legs, he was so pink, just like his lips. I slowly pressed the tip of my finger into him. I could feel his ring of muscle clenching and unclenching furiously.

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