The February air

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I woke up the next morning then remembered last night. I turned on my music loud and nanny walked into my room.

"Do you want something to eat" she asked

"No I'm okay" I said

"So about last night" she said

"I'm so sorry you had to see that" I said

"Was it a umm threesome" she asked

"No" I yelled

"Thank the heavens" she said

"Brandon and I decided to take a break" I said

"Why the two of you seem so happy" she asked

"I still have feelings for Chad" I said

"Oh my" she said

"Yeah I know" I responded

We talked for a little while longer before I had to leave. I walked outside and the February air hit my face. I looked next door and Brandon was getting in his truck. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back then Aaliyah pulled up.

"Hey" she said with a smile

"Hi" I said

"Why isn't Brandon bringing you" she asked

"We're on a break" I said

"Aww sweetie are you okay" she asked

"Yeah I'm okay" I said

"I'm the one who caused it" I said

I explained the whole story to her on the way to school

"Chad knew exactly what he was doing when he brought that up" she said while putting on lipstick

"Aaliyah" I said

"Yeah" she said

"Have you and Chad has sex since you and I talked about him" I asked

"No" she said

"He loves you and I love you and we didn't ever want to hurt you again" she said

"Oh" I said

"What I did was such a shitty thing and I'm so sorry I'm a bitch" she said

" I forgive you but if you ever sleep with one of my boyfriends ever again I'll beat the hell out of you" I said

"Deal" she said then laughed

We got out the car and talked with Heather until the bell rung. All my classes went fine then it was time for lunch. I sat next to Chad and he smiled

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said with a smile

Aaliyah and Heather were still getting lunch so I took this as my opportunity.

"Do you have plans tonight" I asked

"No why" he asked

"I was thinking maybe we could go get coffee" I said

"What about him" he said looking at Brandon who was standing in his normal corner

"We're taking a break" I said

"Why" he asked

"We can talk about it later" I said

"Okay" he said with a smile

We all talked for the rest of lunch then I headed to my next class.

"Hi" Brandon said then sat next to me

"Hi" I said then opened my notebook

"You okay" he asked

"Yes" I replied

"You" I asked while writing my notes

"Yeah" he said

We didn't talk for the rest of class and before I knew it it was time for last Period. I walked into the class then Chad sat on one side and Brandon on the other. I gulped because suddenly I was nervous.

"Do you really think a break is what we need" Brandon whispered during the lesson

"I think it's a good idea I don't want to make a bigger mess" I whispered back

"Im trying to learn" Chad whispered

After school Chad and I went get coffee. We walked into Starbucks and sat down then ordered our coffee.

"Do you wanna get something to eat" he asked

"No I'm fine" I said ignoring my growling stomach

We got our drinks then chad asked

"So why are you and Brandon on a break"

"Stuff was getting hard" I said

"Are you okay" he asked

"Yes" I said

We talked a little more then he drove me home. When we got to my house it was dark outside. We got out the car and he walked me to my door.

I was about to walk inside but Chad grabbed my hand

"Why did you and Brandon really decide to take a break" he asked

"I still have feelings for you" I said

He took my coffee out my hand then set both our cups on the porch

"What are you" I began to say

He put one hand on my face then pressed his lips to mine

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