I love you Aliceion

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"Did you hear me" Chad asked

"Sorry what" I asked

"I said what color dress are you wearing for the Christmas party" Chad said again

Chad came over a few hours ago to discuss the Christmas party but all I could think about was what Lindsey said. "He loved you" kept replaying over and over again in my head. So what if Brandon loved me it doesn't matter because I don't love him I love chad. I love chad.

"Aliceion" Chad said loudly

"Huh" I said snapping out of my thoughts

"You're not even listening to me" he said rolling his eyes

"Sorry" I said

"Are you alright" he asked grabbing my hand

"I'm fine" I said with a sigh

"We can talk about the Christmas party later" He said

"Okay" I said with a small smile

He looked at me for a minute then kissed me. I kissed him back slowly then he began to rub my leg.

"Chad" I said firmly

Then was a habit of Chad. He thinks just before I kiss him one day I'll magically have sex with him. But that won't happen. My first time will be with Chad on a beach somewhere with no one around. It'll be perfect.

"Sorry" he said

"Why were you getting so mad about Brandon and I hanging out" I asked

"I don't like him" he said kissing me again

"Why" I said pulling away

"Would you really rather discuss Brandon instead of kissing me" he said with wide eyes

"I'm just making conversation" I said

"About Brandon while I'm trying to kiss you" he said

"You're always trying to kiss me" I said

"Because I like kissing you Aliceion" he said with a smile

"But we always kiss" I said

"Well it's like like we're dating or anything" he said with a sigh

"Chad don't be a baby" I said rolling my eyes

"I'm not I just think it's weird that you want to discuss another guy while we're kissing" he said

"Well I find it odd that you feel the need to fuck other girls" I snapped

He looked at me but said nothing

"Maybe I should just leave" he said then stood up

"Good idea" I said

He grabbed his jacket and walked to the door

"Bye" he said

"Bye" I said

"I love you" he said

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said then shut the door

God I need a nap

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