You're grounded

18 2 0

As soon as I walked into the house my mother started yelling

"Aliceion I just wanna know exactly who the hell you think you are getting into a fight then running around with someone you don't even know"

"Actually I do know him mom I know him pretty well actually" I snapped

"And how exactly does chad feel about this new friendship" she asked

"Chad and I broke up" I said walking past her

"You did not"she yelled

"Yes mother we did" I said then went into my room

"What is wrong with you Aliceion what have I done to make you hate me" she whined

"This isn't even a big deal chad and I broke up and this is the first time in my whole life I've ever gotten Into trouble at school" I said putting my stuff down

"I can't believe how rude you are" she snapped

"I'm not being rude I'm just saying it's not the end of the world I'm not a child anymore" I yelled

"You think you can do whatever you want and that's not the case stop acting like a spoiled brat" she yelled

"You don't care what I do any other time but of corse the second you look like a bad mom you care Well news flash if you wanna be a good mom you should care all the time not just when everyone notices You're a bad parent" I yelled

"You're grounded" she said then slammed the door

It's you Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz