Chapter 57

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Lose you to love me - Selena Gomez 

Her pupils narrowed, her grip on the Parazonium becoming impossibly tighter. I watched as she swallowed numbly, and for once her sword shook in her hands. She faltered slightly, her fingers suddenly loosening on the hilt as she clenched her jaw.

But then I kicked out, angling my foot to crunch down on her wrists so her fingers slide off the sword. She cursed, fumbling to regain her composure but I pushed away from the trunk, propelling through the snow to round her. She turned as I moved, arching her sword to strike me but I swerved at the last moment.

"All this time you knew my father," I hissed, coming to a halt a metre away from her. "And you never had the decency to tell me."

"Why would I tell you," She retorted, whirling her sword so it poised, ready for action. "You didn't deserve to know about the supernatural world."

"I would eventually. Once you slaughtered me or the wolves performed the ceremony, I would know everything." I said back, pain spearing through my entire body. I was beginning to find it hard to see, my vision blurring every few moments.

She watched me steadily, the Parazonium glinting in the darkness. "Why would I watch history repeat itself?" She finally answered, her voice like daggers against my heart.

I gave her a questioning look, trying to understand the bleak look that crossed her face.

"I saw a piece of myself in Isaac, so much to the point that I began to understand that his intentions had been the same as mine," Her eyes flashed like her sword. I ducked out of the way, the blade slicing through a wisp of my hair. "To protect the person he loved from our world."

I swallowed numbly but posed ready to jump out of her attack at any moment. "Isaac has no feelings for me."

Her jaw clenched and her whole body seemed to tense, her knuckles whitening against her sword. "How could you even say that," She titled her head in the general direction of the fighting wolves and I did the same. I watched as Isaac took a blow to the head, staggering slightly before Aaron launched forwards to sink his teeth into the ruff of his neck. "I can see it in the way he looks at you. Like he would do anything for you, and nothing else matters except keeping you safe." She turned back to me, moving the Parazonium to angle it horizontally. "But love is only a beacon of weakness, and now he drowns in it."

I gave her a reproachful look, shivering against the fire that started to creep along my arms. "He never loved me." I said quietly but Miss Anderson picked up on it.

"He has never stopped loving you," She turned to strike but I twisted out of the way, the wind of her movements brushing past my ear. "When Aaron's dagger drove into your shoulder, I saw the look in his face. It was like he was staring at his world and now it was coming to an end." She eyed me, her grip on her sword tightening. "And you're his world."

I gritted my teeth with irritation. "But yet you strive to kill both him and I tonight."

She narrowed her eyes before nodding her head slightly. "You pose a great threat to tunid kind."

"I'll be like Isaac," I argued, narrowly dodging her sword as she struck again. "I don't have to hurt tunids in order to be a Night Child."

But Miss Anderson let out an amused cackle. "Being a Night Child runs in your blood. Once you are turned, most of your humanity is left behind, especially considering you're the First Descendant. You won't be able to control your actions or thoughts. You'll kill anything you see."

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