Chapter 28

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Miss Anderson's smile broadened, crevicing the corners of her eyes.

"Correct," she said curtly. Her gaze hovered on mine, flickering to take in my reaction. I matched her gaze, giving nothing away. I hoped she couldn't tell my spine had stiffened and my knees locked enough to crack.

I saw Bella and Cody continue to glance at each other, both wearing matching worried looks. I was momentarily aware I probably looked the same. Attempting to relax my face, I loosened my hands out of their balled fists.

Miss Anderson, as if satisfied with my response, turned to erase the board with the back of her hand. I watched her, a flicker of relief flooding through me once the werewolf's eyes no longer bored into mine.

"Some say the werewolf was slain many years back," Miss Anderson continued, her voice low. "But personally I believe people choose to become naive for the sake of sleeping soundly at night. It's inobservant to possibly think supernatural beings are no longer a part of this mundane world." She paused to dust the marker from her fingers, her back still facing away from us. "The Australian crocodiles are indicators of dinosaurs, only one percent of the deep ocean has been discovered, and findings of inhumane creatures continue to emerge in this day and age."

She turned back to address the class, her eyes falling onto me. "Which is why it is not outrageous to assume werewolves may still exist. Why isn't it a matter of science? Scientists can create transgenic animals, building upon hybrids. If science creates beasts, why shouldn't mythology?"

"Because mythology can't be proven." The voice came from a girl diagonally in front of me. I recognised her obnoxious voice instantly. Chelsea.

Miss Anderson's pupils narrowed onto the girl, a sneer falling across her lips. "So why is it that hybrids are seen across all dynasties? Greece, Australia, Egypt, Spain; all nations, cities, towns, have some form of hybrids in their ancient recordings." She arched an eyebrow. "A disease that effects humans to grow wolf like characteristics seems more realistic than an eagle crossed with a lion don't you think?"

Cody was the next to speak. "No, it doesn't." Although his voice was barely above a squeak, his lips were set in a hard line.

"If werewolves were real, we would know."

Miss Anderson's lips curled, almost in pleasure. It looked like she had hoped someone would make that statement.

"How would you know Mr Yallowmas?" she answered coolly. "One could be among us right now."

I felt myself take a sharp intake of air. Miss Anderson reverted her eyes back to mine, but they held a certain knowing look among them. Her pupils were narrowed as if she was trying to figure me out but yet hadn't come to a conclusion.

"I don't see any large dogs running around Brookefield." I surprised myself, so much so that I barely had time to register I had spoken at all. "I can't say I've seen any dramatically hairy locals either." My bluntness managed to get a small smile out of both Cody and Chelsea, however, Miss Anderson was far from impressed.

The grey haired woman tapped her pen against Bella's desk. "Were you not listening Miss Argent?" Miss Anderson asked delicately. "These creatures were claimed to mould into the same bodies as their desired prey. Meaning they could easily have the ability to seem somewhat normal in a school setting."
I heard Harley whisper something about the ridiculousness of the current topic, and internally, I couldn't blame her.

"But werewolves did not become the top predator from their transforming abilities," Miss Anderson continued, slowly making her way towards the back of the classroom. "Fast healing is another key characteristic that has been identified in many European folklores. Their own bodies can heal from fatal injuries in a matter of hours depending on the circumstances."

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