Chapter 33

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"Ethan." I said in surprise as I paused in the doorway. The figure who hunched over in a seat by Aleena's bedside arose from their spot, turning in shock. As soon as his face came into view, it took every ounce of me not to flinch. His skin was a sickly grey colour, ringed with heavy shadows under his eyes. His lips were cracked and ulstered, most likely from being bitten over and over again. His eyes held a haughty look, completely different to the playful ones I was so used to. It had been a long time since I had seen Ethan, but I knew he was out of town for his apprenticeship for a few months. He must've only been in town for a couple of days.

"Ren." He said with a smile although it was forced, and it didn't reach his eyes. I walked over to hug him, feeling his sturdiness against me as we embraced. As we came apart, he reached over to ruffle my hair like he always did, only now it was half hearted and out of habit, not in a teasing manner. I tried to hide my frown as I glanced over at Aleena. Tubes still connected to her, plunging into various machines. Her skin wasn't flushed with the touch of life, but instead remained pale, sickly and ghostly. I hated it. Her hands lay at her side, drips planted into her veins. She was like this because of me. I had led her to danger and now she was the one dealing with the consequences. If only she knew I would do anything to be in her place, the only fault being my own.

The sound of her heartbeat monitor tore me out of my thoughts. I looked back to Ethan who was examining me with an unreadable expression.

"How is she?" I asked softly to break the unfamiliar silence that stretched between us. Ethan said nothing but instead took the time to drag over a seat next to his and offered it to me. I sat down as he sat opposite me, watching as he placed his hand absently on Aleena's.

"Her condition hasn't changed." He glanced over to give her a look full of sadness, his lips titling into a disappointed frown. "Mum and Dad said they'll fly down to see how she is once they can but at the moment it looks like they won't be any time soon. The weather over there is making it hard for flights to stay on course."

I nodded slowly. I hadn't seen Ethan's parents for years, mainly because they lived half way across the world and were constantly travelling for work. I noticed as he watched Aleena that he had let his hair grow out slightly, the edges curling softly into ruffled curtains. From here, I could see a light stubble on his chin, giving him a look of maturity. I swallowed dimly and looked at my feet.

"Do you blame me?" I asked softly, refusing to look up to see his eyes flash with shock.

"For what?" His voice was one of confusion.

I exhaled, threading my fingers into tightened balls of clenched fists. "Do you blame me for what happened to Aleena?"

I heard him take a sharp intake of breath. I expected him to say a sharp yes, or rise his voice in anger but it never came. Instead I felt him lift my chin up with gentle hands so I met his eyes. It was such an intimate gesture but Ethan was always one to be soft and caring with his movements.

"Of course I don't blame you Ren, no one would." His green eyes searched mine. Ethan was always a kind boy, and rarely lied to others. I knew I could trust his words no matter how much I didn't believe them.

"I just can't help thinking it's my fault she is like this." I whispered. Ethan shook his head stubbornly.

"I don't know why you were in the woods and I'm not going to ask. All I know is that Aleena does anything she wants, and even if you didn't go with her into the woods, she would've done it anyway. If anything, I'm glad you went with her because without you, she would be dead."

I felt tears prick my eyes but I quickly blinked them back. I was done with crying. I wanted to be strong for Ethan, to let him use me as a platform to stand on. It must be so hard to watch your little sister suffering when you could do nothing about it. My heart reached for Ethan and I couldn't help but wonder how despite everything he had gone through; he was still looking at everything with a positive outlook.

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