Chapter 12

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After my first lesson with the girl who I found out was named Chloe, I veered around to the lunch tables. My heart felt heavy in my chest, and I could feel my eyebrows knot together in thought. Who was taking the children and how? Why only at night?

A part of me pitied Chloe. I had told her a lie, a lie that gave her hope. I had told her that Sarah was out there, safe and in capable hands. I had said they would be reunited. But even I knew that would never happen. I didn't know where the children were, all I knew was they weren't coming back.


I looked up sharply to see Aleena beckon at me from a lunch bench. I smiled weakly and walked over to drop my bag down beside the table. I slid into my regular spot with a grunt.

Her eyes narrowed. "Well you look even worse than you did this morning."
I shot her a look. "Thanks Aleena."
Aleena gave me a light chuckle. "I'm just saying. You're glancing around the school grounds like you just found out your dog died." She furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "Speaking of dogs, how is yours?"

I ripped out my sandwich and glanced at her in surprise. "I don't have a dog. You should know this by now."
She let out an exaggerated sigh, tossing her curled hair behind her shoulder. "The dog you thought was a wolf."

I took a bite out of my sandwich, noticing Aleena was watching my every move like a hawk. I rolled my eyes and gave her the rest of it without a word. She ripped into it savagely.

I chewed slowly before finishing. I suddenly lost my appetite. "I wouldn't know."

Her brown eyes met mine. "His owner probably found him." She spat out crumbs as she talked and studied them ruthlessly before swallowing her food.

"Very funny," I hissed sarcastically. She responded by swallowing another mouthful of my sandwich.

"I thought so," she replied. I didn't offer any more comments which gave her the opportunity to examine me. Her pupils looked me up and down, her fingers loosening on the food to place it down beside her. "Why are you so invested in this wolf?"
I shrugged, picking at the loose strands in my sweater. "He's a comforting sight. He seems to be the only sane thing these days."

Aleena rose an eyebrow. "A wolf is a comforting sight? That's not worrying at all."
I felt my lips thin into a frown and I yanked out a strand harder. Aleena caught the movement and finally her playfulness disappeared.

"What's the real reason? Anyone with your past wouldn't go near a wolf." Her eyes flickered involuntarily to the scars on my wrist. I pulled my arm under the table.

"I don't know," I said, and truthfully I didn't. I didn't know why he intrigued me so much, or why I saved him from starvation weeks ago. Maybe it was because of the vulnerability in his gaze, or his yellow eyes that kept me curious.

Aleena pressed her fingers idly into the bread to create small holes. "I've read somewhere that people seek out the things that nearly killed them previously for a thrill."
I felt my hands scrunch into fists under the table. "You think I'm interested in my wolf because I was nearly killed by one?" I couldn't help the irritated tone of voice to slip out of my mouth.

Aleena rose an eyebrow at me, her lips pressing together. "Don't go all defensive on me, I'm just trying to figure you out."
I eyed her off, taking in her frown and studious gaze. "You've tried to figure me out for years and its never gotten you anywhere."

Her pupils narrowed ever so slightly and her hand stiffened. "You've never been this distant in years."
I swallowed down the angry words that threatened to spill out and instead stared at her hands. Her fingers were stumpy and square, fingers made for battle, not creativity. Aleena's whole appearance gave off that aurora. Her face was also hardened, her eyes matching her stony gaze. I used to compare her to a leopard. She was graceful, and walked like she dominated. Boys fell for her looks and humour but deep down she could never be tamed. She was a free spirit, and although she used it to her advantage, I knew it would eventually be the arrow through her heart.

The Night ChildrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora