B2: Chapter 34 - Rook Takes Knight - II

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  Their helicopter put down less than a hundred feet away from the sharp-angled private jet. In the distance, Jeremy saw a line of passenger planes waiting to taxi, but the runway was totally clear—an order from the President of the United States was more than enough to halt all traffic. As requested, a duo of EMTs stationed at the airport were waiting right outside for them. Kendra was taken off the helicopter and helped up into the jet, while Cinza, Jeremy, and Makoto followed just behind.

  If anyone recognized Kendra, they gave no sign—Jeremy wasn't sure if they'd told the pilot his passenger had arrived, or simply commandeered it in the name of national security. Regardless, within a couple minutes, they'd taxied out onto the runway. The jet wound up, and—with a burst of acceleration that had Jeremy's stomach threatening to burst out of his throat—they were in the air.

  "Flight time is approximately five point five hours to London," said the pilot over the intercom system. "Please don't hesitate to inform the crew if you require anything."

  "Thanks," Jeremy grunted, before flicking it back off.

  The EMTs sat Kendra down on the couch with an oxygen mask. She took it off every few seconds to speak, though her brisk tone hadn't changed in the slightest despite the obvious difficulty. "I will probably fall unconscious soon," she reported, with such nonchalance that Jeremy's mouth fell open.

  "What the fuck is going on?" he asked.

  Kendra held up a hand before he could continue. She turned to the paramedics. "Could we have the room, please?"

  They glanced at each other, bewildered, before the senior of the two spoke. "Ma'am, we're doing our best to keep you breathing, but I'm not sure how we can help if you won't tell us what the problem is."

  "I'm sorry to say that you couldn't help even if I did," she replied. She forced a smile. "I appreciate your efforts despite all the confusion."

  They didn't exactly look happy about it—and Jeremy couldn't blame them, they were just trying to do their jobs—but the paramedics left to the forward cabin, leaving the four of them alone.

  Kendra took another deep breath from the oxygen mask before continuing. "I expect we'll encounter my father upon landing."

  "I can take care of him," said Jeremy.

  She smiled. "Not likely. I watched your exchange." She coughed hard, doubling over. Cinza rushed to her side, helping her back to an upright position. Cinza put her hand onto the mask to help stabilize it. After another brief coughing fit, Kendra managed to speak again. "You must not get distracted. Once I lose consciousness, I will be expending all of my energy simply to maintain myself and my sister."

  "How?" asked Makoto.

  Kendra looked at him oddly. "Magic, of course."

  "No, I meant..."

  Makoto trailed off. Kendra's eyes had fluttered closed.

  Cinza pressed a hand to her neck. "She's still there." She raised her voice. "Come back in, please!"

  The paramedics returned. Cinza directed them to set up an IV drip and oxygen, which they supplemented with emergency supplies stowed away on the jet. They tried to make Kendra more comfortable, laying her out on the couch and covering her up with a blanket, but there was only so much they could do. After the EMTs gave them a shrug and a curt dismissal, the trio retreated to the front cabin.

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum