B2: Chapter 23 - Like Father, Like Daughter - II

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  Quinn stood up between his dad and Natalie. She hadn't moved, still holding her bag in her lap. Luckily, she'd closed it before he looked in, or he might have seen the inside expanding far beyond the dimensions of the little bag.

  "Dad—" Quinn started.

  "Honey, what's going on?" asked Quinn's mother, finally coming into view. She brushed brown hair out of tired eyes, her face pale and visibly exhausted even in the dim light. At the sight of Natalie in the bed, she dropped her luggage. "What on earth?"

  "...Hi," said Natalie. She glanced around, but again, there wasn't anywhere to run to. Unless she wanted to barrel right through Quinn's parents standing in the doorway, she was pretty much trapped. Unless I want to jump out another window... One was scary enough.

  "She's just a friend from school," Quinn added quickly. Just a friend...? Natalie wondered, before she remembered that was silly. It's not like they'd really said anything else. Yet. If he ever would after this mess.

  "What's she doing in our guest room?"

  "I'm sorry," Natalie murmured, though only Quinn actually heard her.

  "What?" asked Quinn's mother.

  Natalie cleared her throat. She was still a bit wonky from only waking up a couple minutes ago, even with the huge burst of adrenaline. "I didn't mean to be any trouble."

  "I told her she could stay here over the weekend," Quinn lied.

  His dad smiled. They have the same nice smile. "And you didn't tell her when we'd be home? I'm disappointed. You should be better at planning than that."

  Quinn's mom sighed with exasperation, glancing at her husband. "Dear..."

  He nodded. His smile faded. "Q, you really should've asked us first."

  "I know," said Quinn, shamefaced.

  "It's my fault," Natalie cut in. "I didn't give him a lot of time." About thirty seconds, give or take...

  His dad took a step forward, and suddenly the hallway light wasn't blocked anymore. It hit Natalie full in the face, and she recoiled.

  In unison, all three pairs of eyes jumped to the left side of her face. Natalie turned, but it was too late. They'd all seen the scar. Seen her.

  "...Q, could you go wait in the living room, please?" asked his mother.


  "We just need to talk to your friend for a minute," added his father, after a glance at his wife. "Don't worry."

  Quinn shot a worried look at Natalie, but he retreated from the room. Quinn's mother approached and sat down on the edge of the bed—and Natalie tried her absolute best to inch away without being noticed. It didn't work.

  "What's your name?" she asked, not unkindly.

  "Jenny. Jenny Heshire."

  Natalie thought she saw a flicker of recognition cross her face, but she couldn't be sure. "And you go to Jenkins with Q?"

  "Yeah." Natalie took a deep breath. "I didn't ask him permission. I kinda broke in."

  Quinn's dad laughed. "We know. Honestly, you actually solved a mystery for us. The security company our block pays for called when you broke in on Friday."

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