B2: Chapter 21 - A Return to Form - III

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  Contrary to the idea for discussion, Maddie was out like a light only a few minutes into the drive. They'd spent the whole night talking, with only an hour or two for sleep. Rachel, on the other hand, seemed as awake as ever, while even Jeremy felt a bit tired.

  "How the hell aren't you exhausted?" he asked finally.

  "Magic," she answered simply.

  "What, you're doing a spell or somethin'?"

  "Not exactly. But I only need about two hours of sleep a night."

  "Shit, maybe you should drive," he muttered, as he felt his eyes drooping slightly again.

  "I don't have a license."

  He rolled his eyes. "You're also supposed to be dead. If we get pulled over, I think we got bigger problems than you bein' unlicensed."

  "I've never driven a car before."

  She serious right now...? "It was a joke, Rachel."

  "Right." She stared out the window, watching Vancouver disappear behind them. "Sorry. I haven't had much to laugh at lately."

  "Uh huh." Jeremy shrugged. "You're never gonna survive Maddie's people if you ain't got a sense of humor. Just warnin' ya. You'll end up tearin' your hair out."

  "Good to know."

  Most of the drive passed in silence. They crossed the border without issue, since Jeremy was still able to wave his badge to get them through without many questions. He was still supposed to be on vacation, and if his bosses had questions about why he'd gone to Vancouver of all places, he had one hell of an answer in his passenger seat.

  Halfway to Seattle, Maddie finally spluttered awake. "...we there yet?" she mumbled, awkwardly turning over with a huge imprint of a seatbelt on her face.

  "Not even close," said Jeremy. "Still an hour at least."

  "Coulda put on some music or something," she muttered. "Awkward as shit in here."

  "Sorry I'm not the best conversation, Maddie."

  "Do I gotta do everything in this family?"


  She chuckled. "Okay, fine. Hey, Rachel?"


  "Talk to my brother, so I can get some real sleep. Too damn quiet." She turned back around, pressing her face into the soft cushions in Lani's car. They both listened, and sure enough, she was gently snoring in only a couple minutes.

  "Can she fall asleep anywhere?" Rachel asked quietly.

  "Pretty much."

  "I'm jealous."

  "So you both got superpowers. Just gotta combine 'em."

  She laughed quietly. "Maybe someday."

  "...What's your endgame, Rachel?"

  She looked over at him, surprised.

  Jeremy shrugged. "Look, my job's always been to chase the scarier, smarter type of criminal, so maybe I'm just wired to think this way. But I feel like you've got somethin' you're workin' towards, somethin' drivin' you, and I can't figure it out. What are you tryin' to do?"

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu