B2: Chapter 26 - Picking a Side - I

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  "Today I was invited to the Marketplace. What wonders I had never imagined in a thousand lifetimes! Whole cities could exist in the space of a marble, floating in voids of purest night. The place seems to run itself, and even the kind old man who invited me knew nothing of its creator. But of course, it must have one, and they are a wicked soul indeed. They have such beautiful, incredible gifts and knowledge of spellcraft beyond the bounds of dreams, yet they purport to use such a space for commerce! They have commoditized magic itself! If I were not in awe of their sheer power, I would consider hunting down this monstrous person to set an example.

  It is the unfortunate curse of all humans to label everything they find with value. It is the engine upon which capitalism runs rampant. I had hoped that we, ascending to the next stage of the world, would find a new way—but alas, we remain chained by our basest nature."

  ~Cinza, the Rallsburg Diaries

  Jeremy stumbled backward as the beady-eyed, greasy-haired man approached.

  "Now hang on there," Julian started. "Come and sit down, friend."

  Doesn't know who I am... but is he a threat? Rachel called him an enemy. But who knows if Rachel's that reliable anymore... I still don't have a fuckin' clue where I am.

  Reluctantly, Jeremy stopped and waited. Julian kept eyeing him, while the couple dozen or so occupants of the tented clearing watched with baited breath. A fair few looked ready to bolt in an instant.

  "Are you lost?" he asked.

  "...Somethin' like that," Jeremy replied.

  "Well, maybe we can get ya goin' in the right direction." Julian gestured to the nearest empty seat, taking the side opposite. Jeremy followed suit, still followed by every eyeball in the whole place. "Bit surprised you found your way into our little get-together, to be honest."

  A whiny voice two seats away piped up—a teenager who looked totally out of his depth. "I did it right! Exactly like you told me! If it—"

  "Calm down, calm down, we're all friends here," Julian scolded gently. "It's just a glitch."

  "You think she sabotaged it or something? What if she gave us the wrong spell?"

  "Kyle!" Julian snapped. The kid faltered. "We've got a guest," he added, nodding at Jeremy.

  This is gettin' nowhere. Jeremy shrugged. "You're all awakened, right?"

  Julian recovered remarkably fast from the shock. His smile grew to twice its usual size. "Well then. Didn't realize we were among a fellow practitioner." He extended a grubby hand for Jeremy to shake.

  Jeremy shook it, doing his best not to wince. Wash your fuckin' hands. Jesus. "Not exactly. I'm not one of you."

  "Ah. Not a problem, not a problem, you're just as welcome here."

  "Where's here, exactly?" he asked, glancing around.

  "Well, it's supposed to be a secret," Julian went on, shooting a look at Kyle.

  "I did it exactly right!" snapped Kyle.

  "This here is the new Market," said Julian, gesturing in a wide sweep. "Neutral ground, where us magic folks can buy and sell our new trade... with a bit less of the stuffy rules and taxes from the old proprietor. I run a free market here."

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