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Today changed me.

Today, I shared something I never thought I'd let out there. I didn't look up at anyone's eyes when it slipped passed my lips, I was too busy trying to contain my tears when I didn't have to. Almost everyone in the room had already lost that battle.

Today, I learned that everyone is going through something. It may not be severe, and it may not be tolerable. EVERYONE has something to cry about, to hold inside and keep to themselves, to never share because it pains them so much to.

Today, I came to realize that we're all human, and humans have things that suck ass in their lives, things that really were out of their control.. but they put the fault on themselves anyway.

Today, I found out that girls can be hardcore cruel but just as caring. I received so many hugs today from so many girls I never thought would ever dare touch me. But, after everything said in that crowded choir room, "I love you" had an entirely new meaning, and it brought me to tears. Embracing everyone who had to let out something traumatic, or coming out with their sexuality, or letting their feelings speak for them, it meant more, it had depth, and that's why there was twenty five or more sophomore girls crying all at once while complimenting and comforting each other. Then eventually gathering into a crying group hug.

Today, we used a lot of tissues.

Today, we became more human..and to each other. And that's the most beautiful thing I've seen within people in a very long time.

And I'm so glad I got to be apart of it, today.


"be good."

Yeah. I'll try.

Hope that today was good for everyone.

(Btw sorry I like died for a while, been busy)

-belle <3

one day i began to thinkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang