are you a drug or are you the reason i take them ?

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when one isn't enough i'll take two. if not that, than three. maybe four.. or five.. six.. seven.

no amount of brain washing medication or injection can ever stop the memories that flood my mind.

each flash behind my eyes will consist of crazy lights and an unbearable bass. sending everything over.. creating a seizure. i find myself dizzy as my lifeless body approaches the ground. everything feels numb, everything feels dead.

but my mind lives on, and continues the clips of when i once loved everything. they turn grey but replay until i can copy every word and know which clip comes next.

i'm addicted to something. it's toxic, it kills me. what is it? why can't i kill it first..

do i need therapy? do i need rehab? i need help that is unreachable. no form of treatment will satisfy what my soul craves and my mind refuses to release.

drug addicts take what they feel they need. they adapt to it so easily, falling into it's cloud of "comfort". that's what lures them into addiction. their body needs it to function, though they don't realize it's killing them with a speed.

getting them off the drug is what seems worse. critical conditions, mental trauma.. it's a process through hell and pain to escape a daily injection from death.

i can't escape.

eight.. this time i'll take eight.

this is not at all a promotion for drugs.

they do kill you, so please keep your distance.

be like augustus waters, and understand the metaphor.

- belle </3

one day i began to thinkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat