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It was Saturday and dad was sitting at the table drinking coffee.

I gulped and stepped into the kitchen. I had my Black Nike Airs on and my hair in a fish tail side braid. I was wearing my nerdy glasses and black dice earrings.

"Um, dad."

He looked up at wrinkles appeared on his forehead as he looked at my clothes.

"Where you going? Last time I check it was Saturday." He pointed to my bag with my books inside.

"I am um going to My friends house to study." I don't even know why I am getting all nervous. It was true but maybe the fact that She lives in her boyfriend house.

He squinted his eyes. God I know that face. The, "IS this friend a boy" Type of face.

"Do I know this friend? How old is this friend? Does this friend have a vagina or a peanut?"

I chocked on my saliva. "Really dad?!" I screeched. My face hot and flushed. "My friend is a girl and it's a science project. Can you please calm down? I am 17."

"Yeah and your living under my roof still." He folded his hands. "Be back home by 5. I need you to watch Amanda."

I rolled my eyes and picked up my school bag. "Yeah, yeah. I am taking the car right?"

"Your brother has it. Take your bike."

Yeah in a million years. "Ok."

I headed to the door, but was stopped. "Where are you going?"

I looked behind me to see Amanda's Face in a frown. "To my friends. I  have a project to get ready for."

"When are you going to be back?"

"5 Why?"

"I wanted to spend the day with you. Your always gone. I am tired of seeing Adrian's face."

I pursed my lips. "Amanda-"

"No! Your always leaving me! Just like mom!"

She Stormed off up the stairs and I heard her door slam. I sighed, my eyes flickering to dad's worried face. His eyes filled with pity. My face hardened as I rushed out the door, slamming it as soon as he called my name.

I didn't bother taking my crappy bike and speed walked down the block until I was around the corner.

My hands were on my knees and I sniffed, holding in the tears.

7 years ago:

Something felt off when I entered the house. Dad's car was parked in the front and he is rarely home when I come home from school. Adrian behind me, knowing the same as me.

Something is wrong.

We looked through the house and the air felt heavy. 

"Dad?" I called out. Silence.

"Dad!" Adrian yelled. 

"In here." A cracked voice called back. We walked in his room and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. There was glass on the floor and clothes scattered all over. 

I stepped over a open book and headed over to dad. "What's wrong? Where's mom?"

Mom was suppose to be down stairs. Welcoming us home with a plate of food and bunches of kisses. Funny jokes and teasing Adrian for his new girl crush. Dad was suppose to come home at 8 and tuck us in then repeat the next day.

But that wasn't what was happening. "Is Amanda still at the dare care?"

Dad barely looked at us. When he did, his nose was red and snot running down his nose. His eyes were puffy and red, swollen. 

Little Bite LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora