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I watched as guys yelled out random girls names.

It was funny and weird.

One guy took the chance and yelled, "BITCH"

And the girl turned her whole entire body towards the voice. 

I was currently watching a Girl with short blonde hair and a pink sweater and white jeans hugging her body.

She was spinning, her eyes covered in a black Bandana.











The girl turned around and cupped her mouth. "Who yelled SUMMER?"


A guy with shaggy brown hair and blue eyes walked up to her and took the blindfold off. She look up at him and smiled. "You got my name correct."

I saw them transfer numbers and I realized I was next.

I gulped.

My real name is Aniela. Aniela Winter Shade.

But Amanda could never pronounce my name right so everyone just stuck with calling me, "Anita"

"Alright. Come here Mystery girl."

I gulped and gave a small smile, walking over to The blonde girl. Before she blocked my eyes sight, i gave one last glare at Adrian and slit my throat and pointed to him.

He laughed, his head falling back and shook his head, taking one last drink from his cup before throwing it on the ground.

"Ok. I am going to spin you 10 times. I will push you and people will start calling names. Got it?"

I nodded and I felt her start to spin me.

She started the count down.

                                                                             ARTEMIS POINT OF VIEW:

This was crazy. 

Imagine a 24 year old man heading towards a Party filled with typical drunk, high and sexual teenagers.

I had my share of that but it ended when I turned 17 years old. I gotten my Alpha Title a year early than I was suppose to and it ended my Teenage years short.

But I didn't care.

Getting used to the job, holding the responsibilities numb be to the fact that my Mate was somewhere out there but wasn't in my arms.

I watched at people found there mates and they started the whole process in less than 2 weeks.

I always wondered how she would look, What she liked? What she does? 

Would we get into this relationship quick, fast and easy? Or would winning her heart be a whole challenge?

I made some hasty decisions in my life. I regret it to this day...

I knew I should of waited but I just felt like my mate never existed. 

The lady above forgotten about me and made me suffer and let me watch as everyone else get there happiness.

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