*Stalker much?*

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I groaned. I turned on my side and peeled my eyes open. "What?" I asked annoyed. Amanda was standing there rubbing her eyes with a frown on her face.

When I saw her sniff, I quickly sat up and opened my arms. Yeah I might hate my siblings because they annoy the crap out of me. But I love them no matter what. How could I not?

They are my life and souls. The amount of shit we did together... God. 

"Hey. What's wrong?" She sat down on my lap as I cradled her as a baby. She looked at me and her cheeks were wet.

"I had a bad dream again." She hiccupped. She moved in closer to my chest. "Can I sleep with you tonight? Pretty please."

I nodded and let her crawl on the inside of my bed. I put the covers over us and held her in my arms.

Silence filled us and my eyes were closed as I heard her breathing. By the way she was I knew she wasn't asleep.



"Can you tell me about mom again?"

My eyes flew open as I inhaled a shaky breath. I started stroking her hair and thought about what I was going to say next.

"Well what do you want to know? Again..."

"I don't know. Just tell me stuff."

I sighed. "Well... She was a really beautiful, strong independent woman." I chuckled. "She would yell at dad for not washing the dishes after him, but they would always make up with one kiss."

I gave her a kiss on her head. "When she was pregnant with you, you know how she told dad, Adrian and I?"

"How?" She yawned.

"She made us go through this whole puzzle. Actually made us go through tests and quizzes and all these nerdy stuff." I snuggled closer behind Amanda. "In the end it was Adrian who figured it out. We ended up having a debate on what you would of been. A girl or a  boy."

I laughed. "She loved to bake. Made these warm gooey delicious Chocolate chip cookies. Sang us a song each night before bed and would make Adrian, you and I wear matching outfits for each birthday."

"Where is she now?"

I felt the tears stinging my eyes as I struggled on how to answer that. "She went on a adventure. It was too long that she couldn't bring us with her."

"Can you sing the me song she used to sing us?"

I nodded. "Sure."

I closed my eyes and buried my nose in Amanda's hair. I let out a shaky breath and starting humming.

"It all can get so out of control sometimes, you can lose your faith, you can lose your mind. Lose your grip, get stripped of your pride, Till you don't know how your gonna stay alive-"

I stopped singing for a bit, but Amanda told me to continue till the end.

"And this world can throw you over the track sometimes, Your friends can stab you in the back, Sometimes, you just break down

"When this life.. Tries to wreck you, i'll protect you. Yeahhh

"I got your back, I got youuuu, I take your side I lay my life down for youuuu

"I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame take the bullet take the blow, I would take all the pain."

As I sang my little sister this song, it brought back so much painful memories.

Little Bite LunaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant