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My blood counts where starting to shoot up all at one time. I was one of the only patients they had to ever leave so soon. Once I had been released to go back to work, I barely seen the doctor because everything was good . One day I'm at work and I get a call at work and UAB asked if I could talk. I had got a pet scan done before I left to see how everything was going. I got a call I was so nervous, but I just knew it was good news. My doctor tells me that my cancer has came back and he was so sorry. I instantly started crying.  Everything was rushing through my head like, "Why me again". I didn't know how I was going to break the news to my family. Come to find out I would be doing another medicine other than chemo it's called immunotherapy. It's way better than chemo and doesn't make me as sick.  I shut myself out for a couple of days, I wanted to give up at this point.  My doctor called me in and told me I was going to be fine. He told me my body was in the 10% tile where it doesn't go in remission as quick. I will be taking treatments up until I'm 21-22 year old.  Some night I wanna just give up, but God has something in-stored for me. I try to think positive as I'll go into remission on day ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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