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I had taken 8 weeks of chemotherapy and I ended up having one spot left I was so happy I new then God was a healer and he came through. I had beat 4 more treatments left but instead I did the whole 6 months so I knew for a fact it wouldn't come back. I beat cancer in May and rung the bell in June. Ringing the bell was the biggest blessing I had ever had. I was in remission for not even a month and I got a pet scan done in July and something wasn't  right. The way I was feeling before I got the same feeling  again but I kept positive because I haven't had chemo in a month. I came back in on July 17,2018 and my Doctor looks at me and tells me your cancer has came back 😕.. I start crying instantly because I felt like I failed as a human I couldn't take it. He told me that there wasn't anything else he could do that he was sending me to UAB Kirklin clinic 😞 .

Hodgkin lymphoma Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora