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A couple days later I had the x-Ray and ultrasound done and my family doctor called me and said my white blood cells where high and that I needed to come in with my mom? At this point I'm so nervous everything was going through my head I didn't know how to call my mom and tell her anything. We get to the doctor they tell me that it looks like I have Lymphoma in my chest... so by this time I'm looking crazy like what's that ? Dr. Neal says it's a type of cancer then when she says that I start crying instantly like no this can't be it. I went through a biopsy and a couple months later before Christmas I found out I had been diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma.
   I was with friends when I got this news I was so heartbroken in the inside but I kept a smile on my face until I got home. I cried for days feeling like a failure feeling like how are others going to react or look towards me. I wanted to be away from every one I isolated myself from everyone so I could just cry and get everything together. On January 10 I met up with my doctor and he explained how chemotherapy was going to work and the week after I was going to start immediately.
My biggest fear was am I going to be able to graduate high school and go to college. My school system made it happen for me to walk across the field and feel so normal. I missed a lot of school but they helped me and was a BIG BLESSIN in my life and I couldn't thank them more 💜

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