Chapter 32

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Ash finally answers the door and all the guys come swarming in. They all look stunned at us. I see Will push through the guys and come to me. "Babyyy! You came to join the party!" I slur. "No! I came to get you! We're going home." "What nooo!" I whine. Will searches through the clothes and finds my dress. "Put this on. It's cold out." "No." I pout. He sighs and starts putting it on for me. "Your so mean." I say. He stands up and ignores what I said. "Is that beer in your hair?" He touches my soaked face and hair. "Umm..yes.." I say. I stare at him as he looks around the room. I wrap my hands behind his head and he turns his attention back on me. "Your really pretty..." I whisper. He looks confused, "What?" I lean in and kiss him hard. He kisses back and leans me against the counter. We make out for a long time and finally pull apart for air. "That was sexy." I say licking my lips. He smiles, "It is when you say it like that." I giggle and sit on the counter. "Babe, we gotta go. Its 3 am." I laugh, "You mean it's tomorrow silly." He gives me another confused look and picks me up off the counter. I wrap my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. Willy taps Mitch on the shoulder and tells him we're going to the car. 

"But please! I don't wanna go home!" I cry as Will places me in the back seat. "We have to babe." "Ughh!" I whine. He closes the door and comes around the other side and takes the seat beside me. "It was really hot in there ya know...that's why I had to take off my dress." "But you didn't have to take it off." "But...I did..." I say confused. He sighs, "Your to drunk to understand." I lean against his chest. "You need to sit up, Mitch and Steph are coming." "Noo, their gonna sit in the front right?" He nods. "I thought I was to drunk to understand."  I smirk. He sighs and kisses the top of my head, many times. Finally Mitch comes, carrying Steph and we drive home.

I wake up laying on Will's chest on the couch. Why the hell are we in the living room? I get up and admittedly lay back down. "Ahhh...." I moan and lift a hand to my head. Willy wakes up and smiles when he sees me holding my head. "How does it feel to be hungover?" He asks. I sigh and rest on his chest. "Not great at all....when is it gonna go away?" Will shrugs, "Maybe in a few hours." "Hours!" I squeal. He kisses my cheek, "Yes." I sigh. We lay on the couch peacefully until..."Oh my god! Owww!" Stephanie yells. I jump and look on the other couch. I didn't even realize Mitch and Steph were there. "You alright babe?" Mitch says, half asleep. "No.." Steph tears up. I stand and go to grab something to eat, but as I get up I feel nauseous and run to the bathroom. I vomit in the toilet and Will holds my hair out of my face. 

He helps me stand when I'm done and I cry as I brush my teeth. "Why did I have to get drunk?" I sob with toothpaste in my mouth. " were just having fun." Will says. "But I didn't have to drink to have fun." He shrugs, "Now you know not to do that shit again." I nod and continue brushing my teeth. I wash up and we head to my room. Willy helps me change out of my 'party clothes'. He tugs the dress over my head and puts a hand at my bare waist to keep me steady. I sigh at his touch, slightly hoping he'll do something more. He sees my hesitation and smiles as he puts his other hand at my waist as well. I suck in a breath and barry my head in his chest. He rocks us back and forth slowly. I smile, these are the little moments I enjoy the most. 

I get dressed and we curl up in my bed. Will plays with my hair and I snuggle up to him. "I have a practice tomorrow.." I mumble. "Already." He groans. I nod, "7:30." "I'll drive you." He says and shifts us so that we're on our sides. "Mmmm.." I moan as he wraps his arms around my torso. "I love you baby." Willy says. "I love you to." I whisper. 

We lay down until it's around dinner time and I'm feeling better. We get our asses up and join Mitch and Stephanie in the living room. "Nice to see you two again..I though you had disappeared for a second," Mitch snickers. "Haha very funny." I roll my eyes. "What are we having for dinner?" Steph asks, clinging to Mitch's chest. He hugs her and shrugs. "I was thinking.." Will says, "We weren't invited to Sage's party last why don't we have one of our own?" Everyone nods. I shrug, "We don't have to have another party for bout we just go out as a family." "We can do that to," He kisses my cheek. "Then family party it is!!" Steph cheers. 

We all change into more 'going out' outfits. Since Steph and Will literally stay with us all the time, they managed to bring some of their clothes in eventually, but of course majority of them are still at their condos. I hope one day we can all buy a bigger condo or something together. 

We meet at the door and get ready to head out. "Lets gooo!!" 

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