Chapter 7

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When me and Stephanie walk into the restaurant, we're greeted by two men who look a little suspicious.. "Hi were with mr. Babcock." Steph says really sweetly. Both guys smirk, "Isn't everyone? Why don't you beautiful ladies follow us to the back." One of them says and grabs Stephanie's wrist. The other one grabs mine. "Let go of me!" I scream and try to tug my wrist back. They just laugh and continue pulling us. "Hey! What do you think your doing?!" A familiar voice yells. Then I feel hands on my waist and the guy who grabbed me let go. I look at Stephanie who was now with Mitch and the guy who grabbed her also fled the scene. I look up and smile, "Thanks Will." He bends down and kisses my cheek. "Anytime." I blush and look away. "Hey guys, sorry I went back to get something in the car...what is happening?" Auston says, just walking into the building. Mitch shakes his head, "It's nothing I think we just have to sit ourselves." Me, will, and Steph laugh and Auston looks even more confused.

"Ok guys lets go." Mitch says and takes Stephanie's hand. William looks down at me and takes my hand in his. He doesn't take his eyes off my face and I smile. He's so hot. " two coming?" Steph says and wiggles her eyebrows at me. Will sees and chuckles I shake my head and can't help but smile. We follow them downstairs to a huge private room where there are tons of fancy tables and buffet style appetizers. "Damn this looks good." I whisper. Will caresses part of my hand with his thumb, "Not as good looking as you Say." I blush, "Naw your just saying that." Then I look away but he takes his hand under my chin, Gently and makes me look at him. "Don't say that. Your the most stunning girl in this whole restaurant." I blush even more and shake my head, "thanks." He takes his hand off my chin and I wince, from the lack of his touch.

We go to a table and sit with Mitch, Steph, Auston, John and his wife Aryne. We talk with them a lot until dinner comes out. "Sage I can get a plate for you if you want." Willy says, being a gent. "Nono, I'll come." He nods and we go together to the buffet table. There were some pretty interesting food choices. I guess they wanted it to look fancy or something but some of this shit looked really gross. "Sage, try some of this!" Will laughs, and puts a huge spoon full of some bright yellow goopy thing on my plate. I cringe and he laughs even more. I put my plate on the table and pick up a cup of green stuff. "You see Will, you should actually try this, I hear it's the real shit around here." I empty the stuff on his plate and he fake vomits. I giggle and take the plate I had and put it to the side for someone to take it away. I grab us new ones and dig in to the stuff that looked edible. Then we make our way back to the table. I sit beside Stephanie and Will sits on my other side and Mitch on hers. "Hey Willy come check this out!" Auston yells from the other side of the room. "I'll be back." Will smiles and runs towards Auston. "I think their gonna do a dance after this." Steph whispers to me. "Really?" I smile. "And that big boy is gonna ask you to dance." She says gesturing to will who was laughing at an over sized fish in the fish tank, with Auston. I giggle and roll my eyes at what there doing and then turn my attention to her, "And what if he doesn't." She smirks, "Well that little show you two put on over there just proves he's into you." "Mhm." I say and take a bite of my salad. "Oh yea, you wait and see girl, he will."

We finish eating and stand around talking and watching the staff move the tables and chairs to the back. They bring out alcohol drinks and a huge cake which they put on a table. Babs calls the assistant coach over and he sits down behind the cake. We all crowd around the table and sing happy birthday to him as blows out the candles. We go back to standing around and Steph introduces me to most of the other lady leafs. Eventually we just stay with Christina, Lucy, Sydney, and Ashley. We have a ton of good laughs together. I'm in the middle telling a story when everyone looks behind me and smiles at me. I look at them, confused, "Guys...what's wrong?" Then I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist. I sigh and lean into Will's chest. He hands me a glass of rum and smiles, "Thought you could use a drink." "Thanks." I whisper breathlessly. He chuckles, "No problem." He looks me up and down once and runs a hand over my ass. I suck in a groan and he nips my neck, "I'll be over there if you need me." And just like that, he's gone back to guys who cheers and sip their drinks.

I sigh and sip my own drink. "Someone has the hots for Sage." Ashley smirks. The girls laugh and agree. I shrug, "I don't know." Stephanie pouts, "What do you mean you don't know Say? It's so obvious he likes you!" "Yeah girl, trust us. We know love when we see it." Lucy smiles. I shrug again but smile, "Come on let's go get all of you a drink!" They cheer and we go to a table where the drinks are. Once everyone has one, we cheers to a great night and apparently Willy asking me out, which I half roll my eyes to. When we finish up, Babcock does a little speech for the coach's birthday and invites the DJ up to the stage. "It's about time they put on some music." I whisper to Steph who nods and drags me to the center of the dance floor. The girls follow and we stand in the middle, ready to dance. The lights dim and the DJ plays some beats...

Flawed | William Nylander (completed)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara