Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: Violence in the end

My alarm wakes me up for 9:00 but I'm up before it goes off. I had a tough time trying to sleep last night, I kept thinking about how this stupid meeting will go. I sigh and start getting ready. I Tie my hair up in a bun and put on my usual sweats. Then I text Willy and tell him he can pick me up anytime. He comes in less than 30 minutes. And I silently get my jacket and shoes on, being careful not to wake Mitch.

I head down to the lobby and see Will's sweet ride in the parking lot. He smiles when he sees me walking to him. I get in and he pulls out of the lot. "Nice car babe! I didn't know you drove a charger." He chuckles, "I've had it for a while now." "It's nice." I smile. "Thanks...we're going to your arena right?" He says, getting ready to make a right turn. "Yea...I really don't wanna go." I shift in my seat."It'll be fine, I'll be waiting right outside." He assures me. I nod, "The only bright side to this injury was not having to see THEM again...ya know?" "I know baby but it'll be over before ya know can't let these girls stop you from doing something you know that right." He says. "I guess but it's hard." I complain. "You'll be great babe...I know you will." "Thanks babe." "No problem...if they keep bothering you, tell me and I'll knock em all out." I laugh and we keep making light jokes until we get there.

"Alright we're here love..." Will says, pulling up to the arena. I sigh, "Ok see you later I guess." He nods, "I'll be right over there." He says, pointing to the closest spot in the parking lot. I nod. He leans in and pecks my lips, "Love you. Text me if you need anything, I'm literally right here." "Thanks babe, love you to." I get out of the car and make my way to the arena.

I walk down the hall to where we have our team meetings. This place brings back memories, both good and bad...but I can't seem to remember any really good ones at the moment. I keep walking until I reach the room. I hear everyone shouting and laughing. I take a deep breath and open the door. The room goes silent. I keep my head down and walk to an empty seat off to the side, beside nobody. They slowly continue talking, some whispering that I actually came. I look around and it seems like everyone's here, some staring, some yelling at someone else. I sigh and pull out my phone. I open my text messages and I'm about to text Willy but he beats me to it. "Hey babe..hows it going so far?" I smile and type back, "It's fine now that someone's talking to me." He types the lmao emoji and I sigh. I wish he was here with me.

We text for sometime and I'm starting to wonder where coach Benny is. I make eye contact with Melly and mouth, "Where's coach." She shrugs and quickly looks away. I roll my eyes and look around the room. Why isn't anyone asking where he is? I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this is a bit strange.

Suddenly, Thea stands up and walks to the front of the room. I look at her but she's already looking at me. She smirks devilishly and everyone snickers. Most of them turn around one by one, to see my reaction. I furrow my brows together, returning her nasty glare. She laughs and looks around the room, each girl giving her a slight nod. She then smiles and clears her throat, "Hi everyone....your all probably wondering why coach isn't here....well none of you except...Sage...or miss I like to pretend I'm injured so I can skip games and put all the pressure on Thea.." She pouts and I try not to laugh. "Oh you think this is funny.." The queen bitch says all innocent like. I shrug and keep my smug smile on, "Well yeah kinda, considering I have medical records and such to prove my concussion...and if your not handling this well without me, what kind of captain does that make you?" She rolls her eyes, " Come on Sage, we both know I'm just better than you...stop being so jealous." I raise a brow, "Why the hell would I be jealous of you? If anything your jealous of me because my cousin is Mitch marner and you probably in vision planning out the rest of your life with him in every spare second of free time you get...and lets be real, Mitch wouldn't want to date an insane drama queen and not to mention the whole 'I blame my teammate who I know is better then me and just can't admit it, for everything."

Okay now she looks pissed. She grits her teeth, probably thinking I can't see it from this far away. I smirk and cross on leg over the other. "Ohh your really in for it now Mcena...wanna know why?" I shrug, "No but I'm sure your going to tell me." She rolls her eyes, "Well there is no team meeting...I'm the one who sent you the email from coach..." "Wait how did you get into his email account?" She shrugs, "It wasn't that hard...but that's not the point right see Sage, we don't want you on our team." I huff, "Pfftt yeah you made that obvious the first time I met you." She smiles, " now we're gonna make sure you don't come back...and maybe take a long trip to emerg.."

Then all the girls jump up from their seats, grins plastered on their faces. I jolt from my chair and stick out my hands, "Wait...what..." Thea smiles, "Well, the only way for you not to return to the team for the rest of the season, is for you to get really really hurt, right." I just stare at her. She laughs, "Don't worry, we're going to save you the hassle of quitting, because let's face it hun, we all know your alone on this team. You don't belong here. No one wants you here. You may as well just go...and never come back." The girls approach me and I back up, "This makes no sense..." She shakes her head, "It makes a lot of sense." Then she emerges from the front of the room and leads her pack of angry players. "Come on guys...are you really gonna do this?!" I say, trying to sound calm but my voice is shaky.

"Ohh we've been wanting to do this for a while now.." A girl named Tory says. She isn't the most shortest nor skinniest of people and when she clenches her fists like she is now, I bet anyone would run. I turn around and attempt to make a run for it but someone grabs my hoodie and pulls it so hard that I'm yanked to the ground. I grunt and try to scramble to my feet but these people show no mercy in punching me anywhere they could. I try to throw a punch at Thea but tory holds my torso so my punch doesn't go far. She squeezes my stomach and drags me to the front of the room. She throws me down and I gasp for air and try to yell for help.

The girls smile to each other. "How much do you like this hoodie?" Tory asks. I shrug and wipe blood off my lips. She grabs my sleeve and pulls so hard that it rips. I stare at my arm in shock, and that gives her the perfect opportunity to strike me in the head. Ugh... I feel so dizzy, I can't see more than five feet ahead of me. I roll over and throw up on the floor. "Ohh my god! Your so gross!" One of the girls yells. I pant, still dizzy and try my best to stand but of course Tory holds me up in place, "what's wrong? Can't stand up for yourself now bitch!" The girls continue to strike at me and cheered when they hit hard. Thea comes right up to my face, "Not feeling so powerful now are we?" She snickers and scratches my cheek hard. She definitely ment to leave a scar. I yell in both fear and pain and suddenly there's a knock at the door...

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