Chapter 28

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We drive to a Starbucks that's kinda far and hidden, which is probably best for us and our reputation. "Alright ladies! We're here!" Ash says and parks the car. We head inside and order drinks. I get a mocha with whipped cream. The girls both get fraps and we take a seat at a table. "So, hows everything been with you two?" Ash asks, taking a sip of her coffee. "Pretty ok, I'm re thinking my choice of quiting my hockey team." I say. "Well if it's something your really passionate about and want to continue doing it, I think you should give another shot." Ash says. I nod, "Thanks Ash. I really needed that." She smiles, "Of course! I've seen you play and your pretty good...maybe re considering playing again wouldn't be to bad." I smile at her, "I'll have to talk to Will about it but now I want to play more than ever...I do kinda miss it...the sport of course, not the girls." Ash gives me a sympathetic smile, "Let's put those girls aside and focus more on you for once." I nod.

She spends the next few minutes talking about my career path in hockey and how she thinks I should keep it up. I'm so so grateful to have her and Steph as friends. They always put each other before themselves and want to make sure everything is sorted out.

When we decide to leave, Ashley drives Stephanie and I back to the condo. We take the elevator to the room and I unlock it with my key. I open the door, expecting Mitch and Will to still be at their team meeting but their sitting on the couch playing fortnite as usual. "Watch out! Watch out!" Mitch yells at Will. "Shut up!" Willy says. Me and Steph smile to each other in agreement to sneak up and scare the hell out of them. We tip toe behind the couch and on the count of three Steph yells boo, and I hop over the couch and sit in between them. Mitch screams and runs a circle around the room. Will jumps and lightly smacks my thigh. "Did we scare you?" Steph says as Mitch returns to the living room. "What do you think?" He says and lies on the floor out of breath. She stands over him and ruffles his hair. "Did you have fun?" Will asks me, putting down his controller. I nod, "I'm still not sure about re joining my team..." He frowns, "Let's go outside and talk." He takes my hand and pulls me up. "Yo, we're just going to the lobby." Will says out loud. "K." Mitch yells and wrestles Stephanie to the floor. I giggle at their cuteness and me and Will make our way to the condo lobby.

We take a seat on the big comfortable chairs. "So whatcha thinking about doing?" Will asks. I shrug, "I really don't know. I talked to Ashley about it and she basically told me to just do it and try something else if I don't like it." Will nods, "Yea...I think you should to." I look at him blankly. "Well, you obviously got skills for's just the team is total shit...but you have to remember to not let them get in the way of doing the sport you love...and if it's not them who's stopping you from wanting to play, maybe your better off leaving it as a hobby and doing something else.." "So your saying I should just quit and try and find a new job?" I narrow my eyes at him. "No. that's not what I'm saying at all!" Will snaps. I give him a glare. "I'm suggesting that you try it out and-" "I know how to play Will, I don't have to 'try it out'." He sighs.

I lean back in my chair and rub my face with my hands, "I'm sorry..." He smiles, "Don't be one said this was gonna be easy." I sit up and sigh, "So your saying that I should try and go back and, ya know, play for a while, and if it's not my cup of tea and I still hate it...I should try looking into something else..." Willy frowns, "I just want you to be happy Sage..I'm not trying to decide the rest of your career for you." I smile at him, "I know...and thank you...I'll email coach Benny tonight. I'm gonna give the team one more shot." He chuckles and kisses my cheek, "That's my girl." "I love you baby." I whisper. "I love you to. Let's go back upstairs."

We get back to the condo and see Mitch and Steph curled up on the couch together, watching IT. "Heyyy!" I say and jump on the couch next to them. Steph screams and throws a pillow at me. I laugh, "Is this really that scary?" She nods and Mitch puts an arm around her. "It's not that bad." He says. She sighs and cuddles up next to him. "Awwwe." I smile. "Did you make up your mind about the team?" Mitch asks. I nod, "Yea actually, Will knocked some sense into me." He nods, "That's good." I reach for my laptop, "Actually I'm gonna send an email to coach right now and see when I can start playing." I get to work on my email while the two love birds watch their movie and Willy lays his head on my lap and goes on his phone.

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