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Later that day, I trailed behind Saiki and the rest of the gang. We were headed for some ramen. That little trip didn't last very long when we lost Saiki in the crowd and everyone decided to split up and look for him. We never found him.

"We can just hope he noticed and went straight home!" Teruhashi announces.

Everyone nods and disperses, heading in different directions. Kuboyasu tagged along with Shun and I. Still not sure how I feel about him, but he hasn't tried anything suspicious... Yet.

"So, since you two are like a thing... Do you plan on doing it any time soon?" Kuboyasu questions. I narrow my eyes at him

"Why? Are you wondering if you can join us once we do," I snicker at their expressions, "because if that's the case then you better ask Shun. I don't want to make that call!"

Shun stammer over his words, "Why would you say that?!"

"I wanted to know why he was so curious about our sex lives, thats all." I clasp his hand and entwine our fingers.

Kuboyasu laughs, "You two are such opposites. But, sorry for being nosy. I get real curious sometimes."

"It's no problem... Although if you did want a three-" Shun covers my mouth, making everything else I was gonna say muffled.

"And we are done with that topic!" Kuboyasu laughs.

"Hey, Kuboyasu, what's it like being a gang leader, sorry, ex-gang leader?" I ask with ture curiousity.

He shrugs, "Painful, but you'll get used to it in no time. Very harsh too. Everyone expected a ton of things from a gang leader. But it gets boring. All the fighting just slowly loses its excitement."

I nod in understanding, "Sounds tough. Shun told me once he saw how ripped you were. To be honest, I'm completely jealous about how fit you are. Even though I've never see your abs!"

Shun blushes, "I-I was investigating!"

Kuboyasu and I laugh. Kuboyasu ruffles Shun's messy hair, "It's alright. I'm guessing you told your boyfriend I used to be in a gang. The first time I heard him say "ex-gang leader" I got suspicious and thought L/n worked for my father."

I snorted, "No way in hell man. I'm not built like that."

Kuboyasu smirks, "And that makes me superior in brut strength."

"I got brains, there's nothing better than that." I teased.

Kuboyasu unbuttoned his green school jacket and lifted his white button up, "Bruh, look at these babies! There isn't anyway your brain could do anything about this!"

"Oh, damn! That's- oh!" I stammered my words, baffled at his abs.

Kuboyasu cackles, "Exactly!"

While Kuboyasu and I bonded, Shun watched the both of us with fondness, until he squinted his eyes to figure out what was happening in the distance.

"Huh?" Shun tilts his head. "M/n, isn't that your mom?"

I change my focus toward Shun's place. My mother walks out from the gate, waving at Shun's mom. "What the..."

Suddenly, Mrs. Kaidou runs up to my mom and says something to her. She turns to face our direction, causing mom to look our way as well.

Shun freezes in place, "Are you in trouble?"

"I don't really care if I am..." I mumble. Kuboyasu stares at what's ahead of him.

I watch as Mrs. Kaidou and mom run toward us. They stop in front of me, breathing heavily, but not panting.

"Uh. Hi?" I blink at the both of them in confusion.

Mom looks up, her eyes puffy and red. "Oh, N/n! I'm so sorry!"

She flings herself onto me, wrapping her arms aroubd my neck, pulling me close to her quivering body.

Shun stares with bewilderment, "W-what's happening?"

"So that's why you look so good. I thought you were, like, a foreigner." Kuboyasu comments with a smile.

I snort, "A foreigner? Am I too handsome for you?"

"And if I said yes?" He challenged.

I stare at him in disbelief, jaw dropped, "Bro. I think there's something happening. Like, right now."

He cackles, "You seem to be busy at the moment. We can talk about this later. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Kuboyasu walks away, waving as he did so. Mom sniffles, pulling away. "Kaidou-kun's mother spoke to me about your relationship... She also scolded me, but that's not the point. The point is, I'm so sorry!"

"Your mom told me what she had said to you once I spoke to her about the both of you dating." Mrs. Kaidou explained. "I kind of made her cry, sorry. I get worked up sometimes."

I sigh, "It's alright. Mom? Let's head home and talk about it then."

She shakes her head, "There's only one thing to talk about, and that is how bad of a mother I am."

"Mom. Just calm down. You're making a scene." I pat her on the head.

"Kaidou-kun!" She points at Shun. He squeaks in surprise. "If N/n-chan treats you badly, you tell me and I'll kick his ass!"


Shun sheepishly smiles, "O-okay."

"N/n-chan!" She looks up at me. "Hurt Kaidou-kun and I'll kick your ass!"

I puff my cheeks out, "Whatever! It's not like I'll hurt him in any way! Let's just go home! Your snot is everywhere!"

"Shaddap!" She sniffles. "Lets go home."

I pop a vein. "You old hag!"

"The hell did you say?!" She glares at me.

I cross my arms. Both Kaidou's laugh at our childishness. "You see what I have to deal with?"

Shun giggles, "Looks like everything is fine."

"Yep... Thanks Mrs. Kaidou." I bow 90 degrees.

She smiles, "Anytime N/n-chan."

I blush, "Not you too!"

"It's a cute nickname! Right Shun?" She nudges her son.

Shun nods. "It is. Maybe I'll-"


"Sorry, I gotta run!" I bid them good bye. "STOP YELLING YOU OLD HAG!"



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