Chapter 4: Impulsive

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A sexless day is a boring day, my life motto about six months ago but now it's starting to get old. All my partners are the same with the same reactions, craving sex, moaning, their annoying voices begging. It feels good but the pleasure isn't entirely there anymore. They are becoming more needy, insisting I start a relationship with them. They are pretty and proper omegas with low standards, willing to obey anything an alpha says.

Aiden though... I'm not sure. He's different. He's always caught up in fights, hanging out alone or with his friend Layne and often sleeps in class or the library even though he's a A student. He's also very artist and loves to draw. During our tutoring sessions when we take a break he doodles. Unlike other kids his age he doesn't play on his phone and barely messages me.

I sigh, sitting back on Cato's couch as he smokes a joint. He passes it to the girl on his lap. Her clothes are all off except her underwear. She takes a hit then offers it to me.

" No Thanks," I mutter, taking out my phone.

Unread Message from Aiden

Aiden: hey

Me: whats up

Aiden: I won't be able to meet at our lesson tomorrow

Me: Why

Hands snatch my phone away.

" Hey!" I snap.

Samantha crawls into my lap, her silky black hair covering her tits. She takes my hands and places then on her naked hips. How many times have I slept with her? I snag my phone back and continue my conversation.

" Pay attention to me, " Sam whines.

I look away from her.

Aiden: I think I'm sick

Aiden: plus my parents are gone so I have to stay at the house

Me: Want me to come over and take care of you

Aiden: No, I'm fine

Me: a young unmated omega shouldn't be left alone when he's sick

" Leon, Pat attention," Sam whines.

I push her off me onto the couch, " Get off me."

I grabs my keys and wallet off the coffee table and walk to the front door. She's such a fucking nuisance.

Aiden: I don't wanna be a burden

Me: I'm already on my way

Aiden: :(

I smile at my phone then slip it into my back pocket as I walk to my car. I know I'm sober enough to drive. Seeing Aiden is my favorite pass time but I wonder how he got sick.


The old wooden door to the Vanos house opens up with squeak. Aiden peaks at me through the crack. A sweet scent wafts in the air from his heat. He's not in heat at the moment but it just recently passed or it's coming soon.

" Hey," He says softly, open up the door for me.

I smile, walking in, " You smell good."

He sniffs his shirt as he closes the door. How does he not know how cute he is? His face flushes suddenly. He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, he must've realized what I was referring to.

" How was your day?" He asks, changing topics.

" It could've been better," I mutter.

He sniffs me then retracts from me, " You smell like weed and omegas."

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