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Meril was worried.
He hadn't seen the kid in a while.
Not walking home from school, not at the gas station, never saw him in his yard when he drove past on patrol.
He had made the call to CPS.
Flinching, bruises, stuttering.
He couldn't ignore that.
So he had called CPS and made a report of his observations.
Now the kid had up and disappeared.
He had talked to people at the school and they said he had been absent for over a week.
Wouldn't that have the truancy officer at their door?
The worry was heavy in his stomach.
There wasn't much he could do yet so he just had to wait.
He and his wife prayed together every night for the boys protection.
Thinking about it now he had to pray again.
"Please God. Just let me know he's ok."


Dakota lived in a state of terror.
Every time the closet door opened fear struck him straight through the heart. Was it his mom or his dad? The light from the room always blinded him for a moment. It was usually him mom but sometimes it was his dad. Usually just in the morning to get his clothes. He usually didn't take any notice of Dakota but sometimes he would say something snide or kick his leg.
His mom got permission to let him up a few times a day to use the restroom.
It became to much work to retape his hands everytime he got up so his dad invested in a pair of handcuffs. Dakota couldn't decide if it was better or worse.
He could move his hands a little more but the mettle hurt his wrist when he had them on for a while. The skin on his wrist was raw and tender.
Since the light was always off in the closet is eyes were sensitive even to dim light.
His mom was usually at work during school hours but she would come and sit with him whenever she got home.
"I'll get us out of here," she would always say. "I'll find a way."
Dakota knew she said it to make him feel better but it didn't work.
In fact he felt worse everyday.
"It's claustrophobia." He told himself.


"Jason please? Just let him out of there. He's getting sick."
"Why does it make a difference if he's sick in the closet or sick in his room. He's sick either way."
Kally tried her best not to scream at him.
He was a horrible horrible person! How could he do this to his own child?
"Jason please. We'll stay inside. I promise! You can lock him in his room. Then he'll be out of your way."
"Kally just stop!"
She flinched away when he yelled.
"I'm not letting him out until they close the case!"
"But how long will that be?"
"I looked it up. It's like 30 days."
She placed a hand over her own mouth trying to quiet the sob in her throat.
"Jason that's three more weeks. He's too sick."
"I don't care."
She knew she couldn't convince him so she just walked away. She went to Dakota's room to cry.
This wasn't fair. Dakota was a sweet boy.
Innocent in everyway.
The boy had never had a chance to do anything wrong.
She wiped away the tears and collected herself.
She needed to be with Dakota.
Dakota needed her.
She went back to the room she shared with Jason and opened the closet.
Her son cringed away from the light. She stepped in, closed the door, and sat down by her son.
"Dakota? How do you feel sweetheart?"
She placed a hand on his forehead.
He was feverish.
"Mom. I... I don't feel g-good."
"I'm sorry."
There was nothing else to say. So she say by him and he rested his head on her shoulder.
"I'll get us out of here."
Dakota glanced up at her but said nothing.
"We'll get out tonight. I promise."
And this time she said it with a strong resolve.
They would leave!

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