I Don't Have Friends

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"What? Are you gonna cry? Cry baby Cody!"
The jab was followed with a kick to the downed boys ribs.
The bully's looked up and their faces quickly fell when they saw his uniform.
"Dude it's a cop!"
The three of them bolted leaving their victim curled on the ground.
The man jogged up to the boy and put a hand on his shoulder.
"You ok kid?"
The boy flinched at the contact but hearing the voice of an adult he hesitantly looked up threw his hands that were still shielding his head.
"It's ok. I'm a deputy. I'm not going to hurt you. Are you alright?"
The boy nodded and slowly sat up.
"I'm Deputy Meril. What's your name son?"
"D- Dakota."
"Hi Dakota. Can you stand?"
"Yes sir."

The boy stood to his feet slowly, obviously very sore from the beating he had just taken.
"Do you live close by son?"
Blue eyes peered up at him. His expression was guarded. Most people were guarded around police and Meril had grown accustomed to it.
"Yes sir. I- I'm just around the uhm the corner."
"Man. You almost made it home safe."
He had meant it to lighten the mood some but the boy cringed slightly.
"Yes sir."
He regarded the young man for a moment. He was probably about 15 or 16. Dark hair, blue eyes, fair skin, on the small side.
The bruises on his face gave a mean look to what would have been otherwise a very delicate looking face.
"Ok Dakota. What do you say I walk you around the corner?"
He shifted.
"You uhm- uh- you don't h-have to do that."
"It's nothing. Come on. I have to talk to your parents anyway."
Dakota hesitated but turned and started walking. Meril followed.
"If you don't mind me asking. Why were they bullying you?"
Those blue eyes looked up at him again.
" I-I don't know."
"Do they bully you a lot?"
"Only when your alone or do they bully you around your friends to?"
"I-I  don't h-have frien-nds."
Meril looked down at the boy beside him.
"Well they're missing out. You seem like a great kid."
Dakota smiled a little.
Dakota stopped in front of his house.
Meril scanned the yard.
It was littered with random crap but everyone with kids had random crap. They also had a quaint little fish pond by the front step.
They walked up the steps and Dakota opened the door.

The boy stepped inside and Meril stayed just outside the door frame.
"Mom? Hey I uhm- there's..... Uh... A cop wants to talk to you."
Meril cringed slightly.
Had he been that awkward as a teen?
A tired looking woman hurried into the room swiping hair from her eyes.
"Please don't yell Dakota. Your dad's sleeping."
She then changed her gaze to the uniform standing at her door.
"Hello. How can I help you?"
"Hello Mrs. I'm Deputy Meril."
"I'm Kally"
"I was just walking your son home. He got pretty bruised up by some boys on the way home. I think he's alright but if you want I can still call some paramedics to look at him."
"Oh. Oh no. That's not necessary. I'm sure he would say something if he was hurt to badly."
"Yes ma'am. Also if you want and if you know the names of the boys we can pay them a visit."
"No that's alright. I'm sure it won't happen again."
Meril noticed that Dakota was staring at the floor. He hoped he wasn't to embarrassed.
"Alright well then I'll be on my way. Thank you."
"Thank you officer."
"Yes ma'am. Have a nice day."
The woman closed the door almost too quickly.
Meril shook his head.
Poor kid.


"Who was that?"
Dakota felt his heart rate pick up as panic rose inside him.
He and his mother whipped around.
His father stood in the door oh his bedroom with blood shot eyes, dark circles, and tousled hair.
He felt his mother ease her hand across his back and wrap it over his shoulder protectively.
"I said who the frick was that!"
He took a step towards them.
They retreated a step.
His mom's grip tightened on his shirt. It was as much to protect him as it was to easy her nervousness.
"It was nobody. Dakota just got home."
"Who else? I heard you talking. Don't lie to me bitch!"
Dakota felt himself start to tremble.
"Dad it was nothing. It- it- it was just one of my friends. We uhm... uh walked home together. But we only talked for a minute. He left. He- he d-didn't even come inside."
He tried not to sound whiny. His dad hated it when his son fussed like a girl.
"What friend?"
"J- uhm- just from- from school."
"Don't bring your friends here! You hear me Cody? I don't need more entitled teens then what I'm already stuck with."
"Yes sir."
"I'm already stuck with you."
Dakota looked down and didn't say anything.
His father turned away and walked back into the room.
"All I ever wanted was to get layed and now I have a stupid kid."
The bedroom door slammed.

His mother grabbed his shoulders, lifted his chin, and looked him in the eyes.
"Dakota you are not stupid. You are not a mistake. You don't listen to him because he doesn't know what he's talking about. He never took the time to get to know you. I did and your special and I love you."
"I know mom." He looked down and then back up.
"But he s-scares me a lot."
A tear fell down his mother's face as she tried to smile at him. She failed.
"I know. Sometimes he scares me to."

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