Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

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Knock knock knock

The pounding in the door made his head hurt.
"Is this the Lasen house hold?"
Jason stood and walked to the door.
"Why can't that bitch ever answer the door?" He mumbled under his breath.
He opened the door.
"Yes this is the Lasen house hold. What the frick do you want."
"Then you must be Jason?"
He tried not to frown as tightening his face muscle hurt.
"Yeah. Why? Who the hell are you?"
"Hi. I'm Robyn with Child Protective Services. Could I speak with Dakota?"
"What? No! Why would I let you talk to him?"
"You were reported for child abuse. If I can set eyes on Dakota and see that he is in good health then we can close this case as fast as it was opened."

No way he was going to let them see Dakota right now. He was covered in bruises. On his wrists and arms and his face and torso. No way. He wasn't going to to go to jail because his worthless son was clumsy.

"No you can't talk to Cody."
"Sir this would go a lot smoother if you cooperated."
"Who the hell reported me anyway?"
"It was an anonymous tip."
Probably the neighbors. Nobody could mind their own damn busyness anymore.
It wasn't anyone's job to tell him what his son needed.

"Could I maybe talk to the boys mother? I understand she also lives here."
"No. No you can't talk to anyone. Get the hell off my porch!"
He slammed the door in her face then stormed off to find Kally and the kid.
They were in Cody's room sitting on the floor next to each other.
When he entered they both looked up startled. The woman stood quickly putting herself between the man and the boy.

"Did you call CPS?"
She shook her head.
He pushed past her and grabbed the boy shaking him by his shoulders.
"Did you?"
"Who did then hmm? Was it one of your friends?"
"I- I don't- I don't know."
"Your nothing but trouble boy! You know that don't you?"
"I-I'm sorry."

Kally tried to pull him away. He pushed her back again. He was being careful not to yell. That lady might still be around.

"You know most dad's are over joyed when they have a son. Not me. I knew right away you wouldn't be any good. I knew it. And I was right. You're a worthless piece of shit!"
He could feel the boy tremble in his hands. It made him sick.
Other people had son's that were big and strong and played football. Why did he have to get the short skinny kid?

"Your pathetic!"
"No he's not!" Kally pulled at his arm trying to force him to let go of Dakota.
"He's not pathetic! Stop saying stuff like that to him!"
Jason shoved the kid away and grabbed Kally's hands forcing them off his forearm.
"Let go of me bitch. Don't tell me how to talk to my son!"
"You don't have any right to call him your son. You don't love him! You've never been a dad to him! All you ever do is hurt him and put him down! He's never done a thing wrong in his life! He never had the chance to mess up because you were to busy beating him for things that weren't his fault!"
"It was you! You called fricken CPS didn't you!"
Kally stopped and stepped back.
"No I didn't."
"Yeah you did didn't you! You called and reported me for abuse! Well it's not going to work Kally! Because you two are staying inside until this case is closed! Your not going to see anyone or talk to anyone until I get a letter in the mail saying they closed the case."
"You can't keep us here! Dakota has school!"

Jason turned and grabbed Dakota by the collar and pulled the kid along with him. Dakota was bent over awkwardly and he tripped and stumbled as he tried to keep up with his father.
Kally followed hitting at Jason's arm as she went.
"What are you doing? Let him go!"
He pulled Dakota into the room he shared with Kally and threw him into the closet.

Dakota didn't dare move but he had no idea what his father intended to do. His mother looked at Dakota then back to Jason.
"What are you doing?"
The man came back with a roll of duck tape and grabbed the boys hands. Realization dawned on Dakota and he started to struggle.
"D-dad! Dad please! Le-let me go!"
For the first time in a long time his dad didn't hit him for struggling. He only carried on with his task. He taped the boys hands together and then taped them to a low hanging bar.
When he was done he stepped out and shut the closet.
Kally was to shocked to speak.
He looked at her.
"He's staying right there until this mess is cleaned up and your going to leave him there because if you don't your both gonna get it. You understand me bitch?"
Her lip quavered and tears ran down her face but she nodded.
"Ok. Ok. Just don't hurt him?"
Jason shook his head.
"Honestly Kally? What do you see in that boy?"
"He's my son!"
He rolled his eyes.


Inside the closet Dakota was taking deep breaths trying to stay calm. Just stay calm. Just stay calm.
He pulled at the tape to see if it had any give. Obviously it didn't. He pulled harder and harder until his hands hurt. His breath was coming faster now as he realized how long he was meant to stay here. Panic rose inside him and he struggled frantically against the tape. He kicked at the walls that seemed to be growing closer together.
There wasn't enough air in here! He couldn't breath! Tears streamed down his face and he couldn't wipe them away.
"Dad? Dad p-pl-please!"
There was no answer.
The doors stayed closed, the light stayed off, and the tape didn't budge.
He kept pulling and thrashing as he gasped for air. Finally the door flew open and his mom rushed to him.
"Dakota! Shhh. Calm down baby."
"Mom! I- I c-cant br- I can't- can't breath!"
He couldn't breath. He couldn't pull in enough oxygen. This room was too small! It was too dark! He was trapped! The fear was overwhelming and he couldn't stop sobbing.
"Shh shh. It's ok. It's ok. You can breath."
She held his head close to her chest and stroked his face and hair.
"Just calm down. Your panicking. It's ok. Just breath slowly. Your trying too hard. Your body knows how to breath. Just let it. Ok?"
"No! No I- I- I can't! I can't- can't do i-it!"
How was she staying calm? He was trapped! He couldn't get out! He was trapped.
I'm trapped!
I'm trapped!
I'm trapped!
It's all he could think.
He stopped thrashing because he didn't want to hurt his mom but he crying and he still couldn't breath. Gosh it was so hot in here! But he still felt cold.
"Baby it's gonna be ok. I'm right here. I'm here baby."


She held his head. He was thrashing so violently she didn't want him to hurt his neck.
He was still insisting he couldn't breath.
"Mom! I-I can't- I can't do it!"
She knew he was having a panic attack but she didn't know what to do about it. She hated to see him like this.
Boys his age should be out partying with friends and getting in trouble for being rebellious. He should be trying to convince his parents to buy him the newest coolest clothes and getting upset about girls.
But here he was. Taped to a bar in his abusive father's closet scared straight out of his head.
She held him tighter.
"Shh baby. It's ok Dakota. It's ok."
All she wants to do was let him go. To get him out of this place. To take him and hide.
But she didn't know what Jason would do.
If he cought them he would beat Dakota. Maybe kill him. She rested her chin on top of her son's head and did everything she could to calm him.
Eventually he stopped struggling but he was still hyperventilating and his body shook with sobs.
He would fall asleep soon.
She knew it.
Anyone would be exhausted after such a mad and wild panic.
Sure enough he started to yawn. The way baby's yawn when they've been crying. The way they still make crying sounds as they yawn and then continue to sniffle afterwards.
Dakota rested his head on her shoulder and slowly he started to doze. He would close his eyes and then force them back open. Then one time be blinked and his eyes stayed closed.
It was sleep but it wasn't rest.
He made small whimpering sounds.
Once she was sure he was asleep she burst into tears of her own.
"We're gonna get out of here ok?" She whispered in his ear. "I'm going to find a way. Ok? I promise baby. I promise."
But she didn't know if she could keep that promise. She didn't know how. She couldn't leave her son to get help and she couldn't take Dakota with her or Jason would know.
Kally gripped her son close to her body in the same way that she had done far to often when Jason hurt him and she cried.
It was all she could think to do.

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