Alliance, Aro, and Alice.

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"We can come, too," Sam offered, making Celia shake her head.
"Carlisle said the Volturi wouldn't appreciate our alliance with you."
Sam nodded slowly in understanding. Paul and Jared shared looks from their spots at the table, but no one spoke. All four waited for the alphas response.
"I understand," he dropped the topic, moving around his fiancee in the kitchen to grab a muffin. Celia nearly sighed in relief, glad there wasn't going to be an argument.
"I trust you, kid." Sam walked toward Celia, gently laying a hand on her shoulder. "You're family. I know you have things handled if you say you do." Celia puffed her chest subtly.
"How are the Cullens doing?" Emily asked politely, setting a tray of muffins in front of the two wide eyed boys sitting across from Celia. Celia watched Sam slip out the backdoor, he had already explained earlier that he was going on patrol, searching the woods for predators.
"Okay. Edward is the least worried of them all. He knows I'd never leave him nor the Cullens after what they've done for me. Plus, they're my family." She shrugged.
"Gross," Paul sneered playfully, biting into his second muffin. Celia and Jared shared a look and rolled their eyes. They understood what it was like to accept someone being their soulmate for the rest of their lives.
"Edward and Celia are obviously couple goals, Paul." Jared teased, making Celia roll her eyes at him this time.
Paul and Jared bickered playfully back and forth as Celia stood, announcing her departure. The wolves stood quickly to pull her into together hugs before she made her way to Emily. Celia wrapped her arms over the native girl gently.
"Bye, Celia. Good luck." She looked into the vampires yellow eyes sincerely.
"Thank you, Emily."

So the Cullen family stood rigid in a field, several miles from the city limits. It was a sunny day, despite the usual weather for the area. Celia stood between Edward and Carlisle, waiting patiently as Alice searched for a sign.
"They're here." She mumbled before dark figures emerged from the forest line. What little skin the strange vampires showed, sparkled. Celia let her eyes drift over the group.
Three men who were obviously older stood out to Celia, and she assumed they were the kings she had heard so much about. Next to them stood who she could only assume were the twins Edward told her about, Jane and Alec. They looked young, younger than Celia, but she knew they were hundreds of years older than her, and much more powerful-- she thought.
Last were two more guards, whom she wasn't sure she had heard about until she remembered Edward telling her about the tracker. She didn't remember their names, just that one of them was kind of like James.
"Ah, Carlisle, my old friend," Aro cut through the silence, a pleasant tone as he greeted Carlisle. The Cullen father nodded back politely.
"It's always a pleasure, Aro."
Aro's eyes traveled where his fellow kings' had already fallen. The petite blonde beside Carlisle and Edward. Celia saw Aro's eyes light up.
"You must be," Around reached a hand out slowly, "Celia." Celia nearly cringed at the way her name was purred with excitement.
"I am," Celia stepped forward softly, "it's wonderful to meet you, Aro, Marcus, Caius." She looked to each king as she spoke. No one could ever say Celia Liddel wasn't polite.
She looked back to Edward one last time for confirmation, and he nodded softly before Celia raised her hand into Aro's.
She watched his face carefully, and for a moment she thought nothing happened. However, Aro seemed to snap out of a daze Celia couldn't tell he was in. A grin stretched his face slowly, and his head morphed into the Cheshire cats in a second, making Celia let it a small gasp before he turned back into himself.
"Fascinating," Aro whispered giddily, "you have seen some curious things, Miss Liddel."
Edward scowled at Aro's choice of words, "curious" was a trigger for the girl, and Edward knew he was trying to manipulate Celia into joining them.
"I have," Celia stated, her face stoic while her voice shook. The Volturi found it amusing, the small girl acting so brave. Aro's eyes shifted to Edward.
"Congratulations are in order, Mr. Cullen." Edward nodded in response, stepping forward to Aro as the older vampires gaze lingered. Celia's mate held out a hand to Aro, who took it hastily.
Edward knew it was pointless to try to block off the thoughts of Celia having more power than she realized. They would know of her power, but Edward trusted their twisted morals and believed that they would not forcefully take her.
Aro dug through Edward's mind for a while longer than Celia's, but eventually came back to with the same delighted grin and an obvious mischief. Had he seen something that Celia didn't know about?
"My, my," he began at a whisper, eyes wide with sinful greed. Edward's face was stony, and Celia wanted to know what they had exchanged. The wide, scarlet eyes of Aro made their way to Celia and he let out a giddy laugh. Edward gripped her hand tightly. Aro nearly spoke, but Alice interrupted.
"Wait!" She called, startling the king, "Don't you want to know what I've seen?" Alice speaks firmly, causing Celia to grow confused. Why did Alice want Aro looking through her brain? What had she seen that could possibly alter the situation once Aro saw it, too? She wanted to see it, too.
"I could never forget about you, my dear Alice." Aro held his hand out with a grin. Alice shared a suspicious look with Edward, which Celia noted, and reached for Aro's hand. Celia wanted to know what Aro would see so badly. So much that she would have done anything to know. Which was concerning, considering she was so powerful, even if she didn't know it. Especially because she didn't know it.
Before Alice's hand had even touched Aro's, Celia's body felt heavy with need to know what Alice hid from her. Heavy, heavy. Heavier than usual.
She let out a small cry when her vision began to go black, slowly. Her body and mind felt stretched. She felt like she had one foot in her own life and one foot in someone else's. Like she was living twice simultaneously.
Then with a snapping sound in her head, Celia found herself emerged in the other life. Every memory, every thought, every feeling snapping into place in her mind. It was like a head rush, then her vision cleared and saw the familiar petite body laying in Edward's arms.
"What's happening?" She had no voice, just thoughts in her head. The body she was in lurched. She wasn't controlling it. She could feel everything it felt, it was her, but she wasn't the one gripping her head. She wasn't the one speaking, either. She knew who it was, she knew whose memories she had absorbed. She knew whose mind she was in.

Alice? She thought softly, the bodies lips not moving

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Alice? She thought softly, the bodies lips not moving. What's going on?
"I don't know, Ce," Celia felt Alice's lips moving as she spoke and heard it as if she'd said it herself, "but we're gonna figure it out." Alice assured.

Ladies and gentlemen, the end of my beloved BONKERS. I know, I know. No warning, what was I thinking?
Don't worry, the sequel will be out very soon. The BIGGEST reason it's really being split into more than one part is because of the length.
You guys have been amazing and every vote and comment and follow has inspired me to keep writing.
I love you all, thank you so much.

CallieLynne xxx

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