Skin, Sunlight, and Sparkling

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Some things in life work together. Some things, just don't. Sometimes things just aren't compatible and they can't make each other better, and if they can't make each other better then there's no use trying to make them work.
The thing about Edward Cullen was: he made Celia Liddel so much better.
She stared at possibly the most beautiful skin she had ever seen, and she didn't even notice her own pale skin reflecting like her mate's in the sunlight.
"You're beautiful." She breathed, only realizing she also shone when she lifted her hand to touch his face. She gasped lightly and pulled her arm back, flipping it over and over under her gaze.
Edward never thought he would believe it was anything but the skin of a monster. However, seeing his mate sparkle in the sunlight, he smiled and finally, for the first time in 100 years, he felt better.
Celia moved her eyes back to Edward, who was already starting. She smiled softly, raising a hand and gently brushing his cheek with it.
The two had taken steps unknowingly, and they stood closer than they had planned.
A short moment was all it took for Edward to have 6 months worth of memories and feelings to convince him to press his sparkling lips softly against her own.
Celia melted into the kiss, along with all of the pain from Emily and the pack, the confusion from her life in general, the dull ache whenever she realized she barely knew her family... Everything melted into euphoria and she hungrily grabbed Edwards face as he tried to pull away, desperate for the feeling to stay. He let their lips touch again, but took her hands in his own and persuaded them off his face.
They stayed quiet, Celia's eyes fluttered open while Edwards remained shut. Celia would've been blushing if their was blood left to move to her face.
"I want to go somewhere." She whispered.
"I'll go anywhere with you." He mumbled, his eyes snapping open and meeting her own yellowing eyes.
It took a minute, but she eventually closed her eyes and let their bodies fall to the ground.
They found themselves in a wildly different setting, outside an old ballet studio at night. Celia was thrown off, unsure of why time was off.
There was screaming coming from inside, and Celia heard a familiar voice, but she was unsure of whose it was.
Both vampires, with protective instincts kicking in, walked through the front door of the ballet studio, immediately distracting the man and girl.
The same woman, Bella, laid on the ground with blood pouring from her leg. Celia covered her nose roughly, knowing her eyes must have turned black. She moved her gaze to the man and gasped, taking a step back.
Edward saw the man in Celia's frantic memories. He saw them in the woods with the other people, being friendly. A wild difference from what he was witnessing in front of him. Celia cried out when Bella shouted "Edward!" and grabbed her mate's hand, frantically jumping back to their own reality.
They stood in shock next to each other, thoughts in blurring fragments. Edward's mind was twice as hectic as Celia's.
"I just left her there!" Celia eventually cried, throwing her head into her hands.
"Celia, it's okay. It's probably best not to meddle." Edward rubbed his mate's back soothingly.
Celia took a deep breath.
She had never thought of other realities being just as scary as Underland turned out to be.
They were back in their own world, right outside the Cullen home. Both took ragged, unneeded breaths as they stood with each other.
Feelings from the kiss only 10 minutes ago resurfaced in the both of them, and Edward listened to the thoughts floating in Celia's head. She had a lot on her mind, things Edward didn't even know about. He saw the memory of her listening to Jared's voicemail, and though he was glad she wouldn't be around the unnecessary danger, he still hurt for her.
"Wow." A voice from behind them gasped, and the vampires turned to see Celia in the driveway, staring at their skin which glittered in the sun.
"Hello, Cathleen." Edward greeted politely. Celia gave her sister a small, short smile.
"You- you're, um..."
"Sparkling," Celia offered, making her stunned sister nod.
"Definitely sparkling." Cathleen confirmed, shaking her head lightly before going inside the house. Celia turned to Edward slowly with a small grimace.
"Is she gonna be here like all the time now?" She whined, making Edward chuckle as they both moved inside, their thoughts running wild and their hands entwined.

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