White, White, and White

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Celia woke up with a start. She didn't remember anything but a sharp pain and falling while walking with the twins. She looked down at herself, seeing the white lace that covered her body, only being solid over desired areas. She stood slowly and looked around. The white room reminded her too much of her time with the white coats.
Celia walked to the middle of the room and saw cameras watching every inch of it. She was scared, and there was no hiding it. She was visibly trembling, and she found she really wanted to be back in Edward's arms.

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She didn't dare speak

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She didn't dare speak. Instead, she simply moved back to the corner and curled up, still shaking.
Not long after, a familiar face walked in. His bright colors stood out against the white room. Celia gasped in relief and ran toward him.
"Oh, Hatter!" She cried happily, pulling him into a hug. He did not hug back, however, and she pulled away to ask him why.
He was grinning, almost as wide as the Cheshire cat, and Celia had never felt fear toward her friends before then.
"H-hatter?" She stuttered, praying she was wrong to be scared.
"Oh, Alice. You should have just listened to us. We couldn't take being locked up. Now we won't have to be, ever again." He feigned sympathy, "and don't even try to go back, dear. We have you locked in." He said, shaking something in front of her. She realized it was her pill bottle. The medicines that helped her stay sane. Celia was gasping on her own breaths as he set down a simple plate of food and a drink in a funny bottle. She hadn't realized until then how hungry she was, so she wearily took the marshmallow treat and took a bite of it, finishing it off before moving to the mushrooms, then the cake. She knew it was such an odd meal, but she bore no care.
From then on, that was how it went. Her 'friends' would bring her food and drink and leave. Celia found that sometimes the food and drink would make her hear, see, and do funny things. Sometimes they made her sleep, sometimes they made her scream, laugh, cry, or stare blankly at the wall.
She had lost track of time.

"Carlisle. Something is wrong." Edward demanded. His family looked at him sympathetically. It hadn't yet been a full day, but they knew that was years in Underland.
"She wouldn't stay away this long. Something is wrong, I can feel it." He was getting angry at his family's doubt.
"I'm sorry, Edward. I just don't know what we could do." Carlisle answered, at a loss for ideas. They all were.
Edward knew, however, what they could do to snap Celia back into her body. And he would do it if she wasn't awake by the next day.
Alice zoned out and Edward read her mind, seeing the vision.
Celia was awake, a vampire, smiling and laughing and kissing Edward.
Edward nodded his head. That was what was going to happen.

Celia had given up on being scared long ago. She wore the same clothes, in the same room, eating the same foods for much longer than she knew was right. Every spare second she had was used to think of the Cullens. She missed them terribly. She hadn't realized how much she loved them all until then. She even found it in her heart to forgive Carlisle for wearing and being a white coat.

Edward looked to Carlisle. They all knew what he planned to do. Everyone was weary about turning her without her permission, but how could someone comfortably spend so many years in another reality? Edward took her up to Alice and Jasper's room. They were willing to give it up for her during the transition.
He sat there for a while, seemingly forgetting that every second he didn't change her, was an hour of her possibly suffering. He kissed her forehead, whispering apologies before grabbing her wrist and sinking his teeth into it. He didn't know how, but he was able to will himself not to drain her body of blood right there.
For a while, nothing happened.

Celia was staring at a camera. Something she did often. Just stared, blank, emotionless. She felt a discomfort on her arm, and she pulled the lace sleeve up over it, not seeing anything. She rubbed the spot gently before going back to not caring.
She sat there for a while longer, hours at least, before beginning to feel the discomfort again, only this time it was spreading up her arm. It started as almost an itch, before it gradually began hurting, then burning. She held of from screaming for as long as she could, thinking it was all in her head like usual. She was sure she was hallucinating. This only got worse, though. It only progressed. Celia began screaming as her insides felt like they were on fire. She wondered if this was payback for setting her sisters bed on fire.
She looked around through tears as she screamed.
White room, white cameras, white clothes, white skin... All because of a white coat.
Then, white hot pain.

Edward held his breath watching the still girl. Even being a vampire, he nearly jumped when she violently began thrashing and screaming. He couldn't help but sigh relief, though the timing seemed wrong. He knew, however, that it meant that she was back in her body.

Celia felt trapped. Not in the way she had been trapped in Underland for a decade. No, she felt trapped in her own burning body. She was sure that if she were on fire, she would have burned up by then and it would have been over.

Edward and his family sat quietly as screams continued erupting through the house. Everyone's hearts broke with each blood-curdling sound.

Celia felt nothing but burning for a long time. Then, she felt something else with the burning. She felt herself moving. She was thrashing. She still screamed. However, the pain was lessening until all at once it stopped.

The Cullens listened as one last pained scream erupted through the house, then silence. Not a sound.

Not even a heartbeat.

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