Lonely, Lips, and Lover

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Cathleen told her parents she was staying at a friend's house, and the Cullen's and her all sat around the living room. Celia sat on the couch between Edward and Rosalie, her anger and dislike toward her sister had simmered and the relationship between the two felt close to what it had been before Celia turned. Quiet, lonely, and envious.
"What happened to you?" Cathleen spoke loudly, unknowing to her younger sisters super hearing. Celia slowly raised her blackened eyes to her sister and shrugged.
"Stuff." Celia went back to her game of tic tac toe with Rosalie, who won every time.
Cathleen sighed and fell back into her chair.

The Denali Clan arrived around 3 am. Cathleen had fallen asleep on the couch and Celia had stood watching her steady breaths since.
"Thank you for coming." Carlisle greeted the cousin clan, "we were hoping you'd see something, like with Celia." He explained, leading Eleazar, Carmen, and the three blonde sisters to a sleeping Cathleen.
Eleazar nodded fondly at Celia and the others before focusing on Cathleen, he nodded slowly.
"There's definitely something there. I've seen something similar before."
"What is it?" Jasper piped up.
"I suppose the best word would be teleportation." Edward nodded slowly, reading Eleazar's thoughts to confirm his words.
Celia sighed, now her sister was all tangled into her own mess, and she didn't want her to be. Celia quietly slipped out of the room, Edward giving her a "be careful" look before she went out the backdoor.
She hummed quietly as she walked through the woods. A new note with each footstep. A song her mother used to sing when she would have a panic attack or meltdown.
"You're pretty far out here." A voice echoed off the moss covered trees, making Celia turn in the direction of the voice.
There were three vampires. One man had dark skin and dreadlocks, the other man had blonde hair pulled back in a bun, and the woman the a large bush of fiery red-orange hair.
"Hello." Celia mumbled in reply.
"I'm Laurent," the dark skinned man spoke, "this is James and Victoria."
They all nodded at her. The tension in the air was thick, all parties wondering what kind of issues would arise.
"My name is Celia." She muttered, playing with the end of her hair.
"Celia, you look hungry." Victoria smirked, thinking they would have a hunting partner. Celia sighed and closed her eyes before speaking.
"I am," She breathed, "but you can't hunt here. My family and I," Celia gained more confidence thinking about her clan, her family, "own a permanent residence nearby. We prefer for others to hunt off our land." Celia sheepishly admitted, making the three nomads raise their eyebrows in surprise.
"We're sorry, we didn't know." Laurent apologized, surrendering his hands.
"We could head East, keep any missing person cases away from your clan." Victoria suggested. Celia was grateful for the suggestion and cooperation. She nearly didn't remember the wolf pack.
"No!" She shouted, making the vampires turn back around, "um, you should go north or south. Please." She sighed, making everyone look at her weirdly.
"Wait a minute." James whispered, stepping closer to her, "I've seen your face before. You're a missing person yourself, aren't you?" He teased. Celia stiffened and glared at the man.
"Oh, leave her alone, James." Victoria said, coming up to cling to her mate's arm.
"I'm just messing around." James said turning away from Celia.
Celia wasn't sure what it was about these people, but she didn't have many friends like normal people, and she liked them.
She had never met vampires other than her golden eyed "family" and she wasn't sure what she had expected.

Victoria, James, Laurent, and Celia sat under a tree deep in the dense, green forest. The four had somehow found themselves submersed in a conversation about Celia's story, why she was a missing person, who her "clan" was, etc. She dove right in, telling the strangers of her illness growing up.
"My family was never sure how to handle me. The Cullen's, though, they knew just what to do, from the moment they met me. They knew how to be polite and comforting. They knew... how to make me feel normal." She admitted, thinking of the family just miles to her left.
"I was kidnapped, trapped inside my own mind because of my... Gift." She breathed, the sun rising in her backdrop. "Edward, he saved me. I was trapped for ten years, living in a white room, feeling scared, lost, betrayed... Then I woke up, and he was there." A warm smile stole a place on her cold lips, and she saw Victoria's lips curl up as well.
"Edward is your mate?" Victoria asked, putting a hand over Celia's to grab the younger girls attention.
"Mate?" Celia questioned, her curiosity amusing the three elder vampires.
"Vampires have people that they're meant to be with, and by the way you talk of Edward, I'd assume he's your mate, or at least a lover, whether meant to be or not." Laurent chimed.
It made sense to Celia, it explained why he was on her mind all the time, and it explained why he took an interest in her as well.
"I see." She whispered.
"What's your gift?" James blurted after a beat of silence.
"I can... jump. To and from other realities and universes that you and I can barely begin to understand."
"That sounds amazing." Victoria awed.
"Celia?" A call made it's way to their ears. Celia smiled lightly at the sound of Alice's twinkling voice.
"I better go." The blonde whispered, smiling widely at her new friends, who genuinely smiled back at the young girl. It dawned on her, however, that she wouldn't be seeing them again.
"I wish we had more time." She pouted, standing up with the three crimson eyed friends.
"We'll see each other again, I know it." Victoria grinned, hugging Celia gently.
"You'll come back?" She asked, making eye contact with all three before James answered.
"We'll find you, no matter where you are. I promise." He winked before the three disappeared, heading north.
"Celia?" Another call, no louder than a regular shout, but spreading through miles of forest to reach the small, black eyed, blonde haired vampire.

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