Final Chapter

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Chapter 76 (Final)

Jiyasha was inside the building right in front of an open food corner. People were seated around, gobbling and enjoying their food. It was a perfect date of Sunday when the restaurants would see an hike in the number of customers flocking their arenas.

Jiyasha was searching for an empty table when she heard a shrill cry. Rotating her eyes, she saw a little infant approximately a few months old, rocking in a cradle car. The table beside it was empty and there was nobody near the baby. Jiyasha clutched the handle of the baby car and gave it a light swing.

"Hey baby, what's making you cry?" Jiyasha said softly.

The baby with open eyes stared at Jiyasha and started crying again. She could not understand it's gesture and spoke again, "Where's your mummy, daddy?"

Jiyasha was not liking the way the baby was crying and with trembling hands, she lifted the little one to her bosom. "Awe little baby, please stop crying. Let me search for your parents till then."

The baby would not stop crying at all and it was driving Jiyasha crazy. "I don't even see anyone around who will know the baby. What am I supposed to do now?"

Jiyasha continued cradling the baby in her arms. "Who can this little one be? I'm getting so scared. What if the baby's family lost the track of it?"

Jiyasha was murmuring to herself when she heard a very familiar voice behind her. "Baby, your Jiyasha aunt couldn't even recognize you."

Jiyasha's eyes widened when the voice spoke very close to her, behind her back. She took a U-turn with the baby in her arms and came face to face with the speaker.

"Monica!" Jiyasha exclaimed, for the feeling of meeting her best friend was on top of the world.

Tears filled the eyes of both the girls as they embraced each other. Monica said at last, "So we are finally here in our favourite restaurant on this friendship day to keep the promise that we made to one another some months ago."

Jiyasha still couldn't search for new words to express her joy and muttered, "Is this your baby? What is it's name?"

Monica smiled. "Yes she's my baby daughter. Her name is Kanika."

"Beautiful name, the likes of Kabir and Monica," Jiyasha said kissing the top of the baby's forehead. "She's a cute princess."

Jiyasha would not let the baby move out of her arms as they took to the chairs. The baby had finally turned quiet in her arms.

Monica sat opposite to Jiyasha and spoke, "Where's Pooja? Has she really forgotten about this day?"

"I don't know Monica. I'm not in contact with her."

"But last time when I left, you both were supposed to be in contact."

"Many things happened and Pooja also left the city soon after." Jiyasha narrated the incidents of what all happened after Monica had left and of Pooja leaving the city soon after.

"Are you serious? That stupid Samira had a change of heart!" As Monica expressed her disgust, she jumped off her chair and rushed towards an another figure emerging from the entrance. She screamed, "Be careful, Pooja!"

Monica took hold of Pooja while Jiyasha viewed them from a distance. Pooja's baby bump was clearly visible to them and Monica helped her to reach the table. "Are you serious, Pooja? Why did you come all the way alone in this condition?"

"No, Jatin has fetched me here."

"Where is he then?" Jiyasha asked looking around.

"He just got stuck downstairs while parking the car because of the crowd. He'll be joining us very soon," Pooja said observing the baby in Jiyasha's arms. "Jiya, as far as I know you weren't in terms with your husband and now you got a baby? That too so very soon!"

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