Chapter 49 (Blockbuster)

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Chapter 49


Jiyasha's belief on Aryan being a criminal was shattered into pieces. Her prosecution lawyer had confirmed that he was proved innocent in the court and the judge had absolved him of every offensive charge. He also told her that Tanmay was the real culprit but Jiyasha was not ready to believe him. Her stern opinion was against the third chip and her lawyer had told her that the clips were not morphed.

The words of the lawyer was running in her mind: 'He is free and has gone out of the custody a couple of days ago.'

She clutched her purse quickly and rushed outside the apartment. While traveling by her scooter, she had only one thought which was disturbing her, "He was let free a couple of days ago. What if he is back to his own villa? I have high chances of meeting him again."


As Jiyasha reached the villa, the surrounding was very quiet and serenity had overcome it. There was prim silence and solitude in the whole villa. There was no Tanmay working in the garden and other workers were also missing. Jiyasha's legs trembled as she stepped into the villa after a couple of months.

The corridor was empty and there wasn't any noise from the kitchen. Jiyasha continued walking in short strides and was stopped by someone's voice from the backyard of the house. She peeped through a small window adjacent to the doorway of the backyard and saw Amar speaking to a uniformed young man.

The young man handed over an envelope to Amar and said, "Aryan Sir has sent this through me and instructed me to particularly hand it over to you. And there is also this letter which he has sent for his wife. He told me that I should hand over this also to you and you are supposed to give it to madam Jiyasha."

Jiyasha's heart was brimming with uncontrollable emotions and being unable to control herself, she interrupted them. "What has he sent for me? And where is he?"

The young man and Amar had their head drooping down before Jiyasha. She snatched both the envelope and the letter from the man's hand and clasped the man's collar. "Will you tell me where is he? Why can't he come himself? Why did he need to send you?"

The man was fumbling while Jiyasha slapped him. "You don't know I can even break your neck. Just answer me where is he hiding? Why won't he come before me?"

Amar intervened and separated the man from Jiyasha's clutches. He said, "Ma'am, please calm down. He is just an agent of a small agency. Why are you trying to hit him for no reason?"

"What type of agent, Amar? If you know something, please tell me. Where is Aryan?" Jiyasha yelled.

When both Amar and the man did not answer her, she tore the envelope. To her surprise, the envelope contained mutilated bundles of eighty thousand rupees in currency notes.

Jiyasha raised an eyebrow and stared at Amar angrily. "What is this? Why was this man giving you so much of money? What are you both trying to hide from me? Are you taking bribe, Amar?"

"Ma'am, I have been a loyal employee to Aryan Sir, his personal assistant. I won't do any such thing. Didn't you hear what the guy said? He was telling me to hand over the letter to you as per Aryan Sir's instructions and this money is for something else," Amar told her.

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