55 - Critical Catch Up

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I was lying in something actually comfortable for once. I had to be lying in a bed, because a cot never felt this nice.

My body felt heavy, like a boulder sat on it. From a far distance, I could barely hear voices. I was sure they sounded familiar.

"She isn't waking up," muttered a concerned voice.

"It hasn't even been a day," an aged voice replied. "I have never performed such magic before, so I don't know the effects of it."

Magic? Gandalf had to be one of the speakers, because he was the only wizard that I knew of in Middle-earth—the only good wizard anyway.

"But you said it would work," the voice pressed.

"I am sure it did. You have to remember, Aragorn, her body has just endured another battle—one that was perhaps the longest she has ever partaken in. She needs the rest. She will wake soon, I am sure."

"But what if she does wake and it hasn't worked?" Aragorn whispered. "What if she doesn't remember?"

"Then we will have to keep trying to find ways to help her."

Doesn't remember everything? What did Aragorn mean by that? He and Gandalf had to be discussing me, unless they were talking about another woman, which I was sure they weren't.

My mind tried to piece together what they were talking about. Did Gandalf perform magic on me?

Another thing stood out to me as well: I had endured a battle. Well, it made sense—I had.

Gandalf must have arrived when we needed him most during the Battle of Helm's Deep. It had to be the battle he was talking about; because I was positive I hadn't participated in any others since that one.

I forced my eyes open only to be met with a strange sight. I was in a room much too big for me. The bed could easily fit a few of me. There was an open threshold that had me look at a wall where I could see a shadow—either Aragorn or Gandalf. They had to be just outside my room.

I studied the walls, the bed, and the ceiling of this room. Were we back in Edoras, or was I in a chamber in Helm's Deep I had yet to recognize?

My eyes strayed to the threshold, where Aragorn stood, staring at me.

"I have a few questions," I stated immediately.

"I am sure you do," he replied, crossing the room to sit on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"All right, I guess, but I'm confused."


"Yes. I don't know where I am, or why I'm here. I don't know this place. Do you know where we are?"

Surprise flickered in Aragorn's blue eyes. What was he so shocked about? All I asked was a simple question.

"You don't know where we are?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "Are we in Helm's Deep? Wait, did we even win that battle?"

"It worked," Aragorn muttered under his breath. "It actually worked!"

"What did?" I asked slowly, cocking up an eyebrow. "Aragorn, you aren't making sense."

"I can explain it to you, Marlena," Gandalf said, leaning in the threshold. "Though, you may not believe me when I tell you."

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