49 - Pony Racing and Storytelling

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            Merry had to drag me out of the Golden Hall this morning by my wrist. I nearly tumbled down the steps a few times as he led me through the village. He hadn't told me a thing about what he had planned for me today, he was secretive about it. He always dodged my questions with "You'll see, be patient" or "What's the point in telling you if I want to keep it a surprise?"

Éowyn seemed to be in on Merry's agenda, because she had picked out specific clothes for me. I was wearing grey trousers that looked snug, in addition to a flowing dark blue blouse. Éowyn also took the time to braid my unruly hair down my back.

"Why not just tell me already?" I whined to Merry as I struggled to keep up with his lively pace.

"We're almost there, just bear with me," he told me.

Even though the answer should have been obvious, I was still confused as to why Merry led me into stables. Some of the horses greeted us, poking their heads out to see two Hobbits run in the aisle. The stables smelled of horse, dung, oats, and hay.

"They should be here somewhere..." Merry muttered under his breath.

"Can you give up the secretiveness already?" I protested, balking to stop Merry. He whirled around to meet my annoyed glare.

"Fine, but I honestly thought you would have figured it out by now."

"Why's that?"

"You're riding today."

"But I've never ridden a horse before—not on my own anyway."

"You think you're riding a horse?" Merry snorted. "That's funny. You know we're way too small for them! Sure, if we had someone taller to ride with—"

"Stop rambling, please."

"Sorry. Anyway, Lady Éowyn took me out this morning and gave me the idea. She found two good ponies, one for you and one for me."

"Have you ever actually ridden a pony before?" An eyebrow of mine rose in curiosity.

"No, but it's like riding a small horse really. After you watch others long enough, it looks easy."

"Yes, it may look easy, but that doesn't mean it will be easy."

"I figured you didn't want to train today." He shrugged. "It'll be a learning experience for us both."

"And I'll be accompanying you," Éowyn's voice came from one of the stalls, "just in case something goes wrong."

"So, how about it?" Merry pressed me.

I sighed, shaking my head playfully at him. "You're really going all out to keep things interesting, aren't you? All right, I'm in."

"Great, let me show you to your steed."

Merry led me past the stall Éowyn was in as she tacked up a chestnut horse, and we passed two others before my eyes fell upon my pony. It was already tacked up, but I was too busy looking at its coloring to really notice.

It was beautiful, its coloring peach, a rarity for my eyes. Its mane and tail were a fluffy off-white. It turned its head towards us to look at us with one big, brown eye. I looked at Merry.

"Go on," he urged me. "It won't bite; Lady Éowyn assured me it's one of the gentlest ponies here."

I easily walked under the rope that acted as the door for the stalls. The pony watched me carefully, like I watched it cautiously in return.

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