35 - It Never Ends

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This voice had been nagging every time I decided to try and sneak in a little nap as our voyage to Helm's Deep continued. The nagging hadn't started until everything was packed and King Théoden led everyone onwards. I had managed to stay alert when things were getting packed and when breakfast was served.

Now, with my stomach full of food, all I wanted to do was sleep, even if I was aboard a horse.

I was hunched over the saddle, my legs hugging so I wouldn't slide off. My sword kept sliding across my thigh in tune with the horse's rocking. I had a firm grip on the horse's mane to secure myself further. I wasn't accompanied by Aragorn in the saddle, because he was leading the horse on foot.

"I can see you sleeping back there," Aragorn called over his shoulder. "You'll fall off sooner or later."

"Not if I'm hugging the horse," I retorted tiredly. Éowyn laughed.

Curious as to when she had come around, I forced myself to sit up in the saddle. I stretched what muscles I could, yawning to the skies in Rohan. I hadn't realized Éowyn had pulled her horse alongside Aragorn's so that they could walk together.

"Did you finally decide to join us?" Éowyn teased me.

I wasn't even fully alert for five minutes and already I was getting teased.

The two left me alone after there was no more banter to exchange.

I yawned hugely, adjusting to the fact that we had passed the body of water we had settled at yesterday. Now we were crossing bumpy, grassy terrain that was once again accompanied by boulders.

I didn't like sitting atop the horse Aragorn led. Though it prevented me from walking, it did hurt my ass after a time. My legs dangled uselessly at my sides.

"Where is she?" Éowyn asked casually. "The woman who gave you that jewel."

It took me a long second to realize she was talking to Aragorn. She must've seen the Evenstar he had shown me back in Fangorn Forest, the necklace Arwen had given to him. The idea still sounded strange, Arwen and Aragorn together. A former Ranger and an Elf.

Aragorn didn't answer Éowyn right away. In fact, it seemed like he hadn't answered her for several minutes. Was he thinking about Arwen at the mention of the Evenstar?

"My lord?" Éowyn pressed hesitantly.

"She is sailing to the Undying Lands with all that is left of her kin," Aragorn said distantly.

The Elves were leaving Rivendell?

I watched Éowyn and Aragorn closely. I studied Éowyn's face more than Aragorn's since I couldn't see his. The way she looked at him with her grey eyes, it was as if she was pining for him. I highly doubted she asked about the Evenstar simply out of curiosity.

The protective side of me began to wake up seeing how Éowyn looked at him. Did she see this as a chance to worm her way into Aragorn's heart and push Arwen out of it? She should know better, though. She does not seem like the type to steal another woman's man, I considered.

The horse suddenly stopped, I bent down to stare at Aragorn. Even Éowyn was confused by his action.

"What is it?" she pressed.

"Stay with the horses," he told her. I was about ready to ask him what was going on, but he already started trotting to the head of the line. I tried to see ahead of me while Éowyn took the reins of the horse.

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