Questionings and Lawyers

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After our discussion with Camren we left and headed to our classes.

"I won't be able to make it to lunch today, because I have to work on homework. I've been slacking." Camren smiled and scratched her head.

"Anyways see you guys after school. Right?" She asked.

Ella nodded her head, "Yeah and don't be late."

Ella turned and looked at me, "So can I walk you to class?"

"I think I'm gonna skip. I have to think about some things." I said walking down the hall and passing my class.

"What is it you're thinking about?" Ella asked with a worried face.

"Just things."

I kept walking down the hall to go outside, but saw the last person I wanted to see. Steven.

Him and his friends were talking in the hall but stopped when they saw us.

"Come on let's go." Ella said while grabbing my hand and walking away, but was stopped when I heard someone run up to me and roughly turned me around. The feeling of him touching me brought back those memories making my head and stomach hurt.

"Whoa what's the hurry?" He smiled.

"It's none of your business." I harshly answered.

He laughed a bit and let go, "Fine you're right. Well I'm also in a hurry. Sorry for bothering you two." He said, but glared at me with those dark eyes, but it changed when he turned and looked at Ella.

"Yeah, see you hot stuff." He winked at her and left along with his friends.

"Gosh he's so gross! I can beat him up if you want? I mean I would be more than happy too." Ella asked but I ignored her when the pain of my head and stomach felt like it was getting worse.

"Ava are you ok?" She asked stopping me. Still holding my head I was fixing to respond, but ended up collapsing.

The last thing I remembered was being carried to the nurses office.

"You know you don't deserve Ella right? I mean how could she love you. She says it but she doesn't mean it, because she just feels sorry for you." A voice said.

The voice is right. I mean I don't even love anyone or Ella... right?

My short dream was interrupted when I felt someone poking my face. I slowly woke up and saw it was Ella.

"Hey sleepy head wake up." She said poking me again.

I smacked her hand away, "I am. Now stop."

"Sorry." She said retreating back in her seat. "But anyways how come you fainted?" She asked.

I sighed. "It was Steven. He brought back those memories, but I'm fine now."

Ella frowned, "I don't know. I've been meaning to ask, but I think you should probably go see or talk to someone about that. It's not healthy."

I turned to her quickly, "Look I don't need you telling me what you think I need! Now quit bugging me about all the-

My face was quickly met with a hand. Ow.

I grabbed my cheek and looked at her. "Sorry I did that, but I didn't like your town."

I sighed, "Sorry."

She crossed her arms and looked at me with a serious face, "I know. Just next time don't snap at me when I'm trying to help you."

I nodded my head ok. "Good." She said then gave me a hug, "But really though. I think you need to talk to someone about these moments you've been having." She said looking at me in the eyes. I couldn't help but notice how they sparkled with life. I wonder if mine do that.

The Girl with no Emotions (GirlxGirl)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant