Sleepover pt.1

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My lips don't feel any different, they're still small and plain like any other normal lips, but for some reason I feel... different. I can't explain it and I'm not sure I like it.... I kinda miss my old self, but at the same time I don't.

"Hey aren't you going to eat honey? You've been staring at your food and holding your lips for nearly 10 minutes. Are your lips irritated or something? Do you need chapstick?" My mom asked concerned.

"No, I don't. I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I said as I put my hand down to grab my fork and eat. My mom sat there staring at me with a questioned look, but gave up and continued eating again, but she didn't last long and kept asking more questions.

"So how was the fair last night? Your friend Camren seemed a little uneasy when she brought you back home?" My mom asked looking at me. What, is she trying to purposely pry answers from me.. she's so nosy.

"It was surprisingly fun." I answered back without an attitude. My mom was taken aback by my answer.

" That's great you had fun." She said smiling. "So what all did you two do?" She asked.

I sighed, feeling annoyed with all her questions, "We just rode rides, ate some food, played some fair games and fed animals." I said, but laughed a bit when I remembered what happened to Camren in the petting zoo area at the fair.

My moms head bolted up quick, "Did you just..... laugh?" She asked me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I said as I finished my meal.

She dropped her fork and got up and started cheering and dancing. "I can't wait to tell your father you learned how to laugh too! This is amazing! Our daughter is finally becoming normal." But she stopped when she said that last part and looked at me. "I mean you were normal in the first place, but you know ever since you smirked and laughed and everything." She continued to babble about whatever she was talking about, but stopped when she realized she was getting off topic.

She waved her hand, "Anyways you know what I mean." I nodded my head.

"Well I'm going to go take a shower and head to bed." 

"Ok dear. I'll just be down here, still celebrating until your father gets here." She said as she continued to clean up while smiling.There is something wrong with my mother.... but I'm glad to see her happy.

I walked into my room and took a shower and went to bed and slept until the next morning for school.


I pulled into the schools parking lot, parking in my same spot and got out and headed inside.

"Hey Ava." I turned and saw Camren walking by me. 

"What do you want?" I asked.

She sighed, "ok let me get straight to the point... I'm still sorry about kissing you, because now I feel like things will be awkward between us."

I turned and looked at her, "It won't be if you keep saying it will be awkward and besides the kiss wasn't terrible." I turned back in front of me and continued my walk to my locker.

"Wait so are you saying you liked it?" Camren asked. 

"I think so." I answered.

"That's great! So since me and you liked the kiss and since I like you and you may like me... do you maybe want to try working this out?"

"I don't. I'm just now trying to figure things out about myself and doing that might be moving too fast. So now can you stop asking questions so I can focus on heading to my art class?" I said.

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