Another Day and a Dream

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"Come on pip squeak you have two eyes now, so pick up the pace and finish up the last two laps up and down the fence line!" Teddy yelled. His attitude sure changed in a week. "One lap left to go and if I'm in a good mood I might just let you take a break!" Is this even what you do in physical therapy?

I slowly came to a stop once I neared the finish line then made my way to the bench to rest and get a drink of water.

Teddy came walking towards me, standing in front of me, "I never said you could take a break." He said raising a brow and crossing his arms.

"Well I did now leave me alone." I spat out while drinking my water. He just smirked and took a deep breath and sat down by me.

We sat there not saying a word, but every few seconds I could feel him staring at me. He must be some creep. So I scooted a few inches away from him.

"Hot day out here isn't it?" He asked, looking at the sky, blocking the sun with his hand.

"I guess." I shrugged.

He then snapped his neck looking at me, "So what's your deal?"

"What? Why are you being so nosy?" I asked.

He raised his hands, "No need to get defensive. I was just wondering since me and you will be spending another two weeks together, so why not get to know each other a little more?"

I stared at him with a blank face then looked back straight ahead of me, watching the girls suffer as the coach was yelling at them to run faster. Sucks to be them.

I continued to watch Camren running ahead of the other girls smiling and laughing making the coach even angrier. The scene of that made me smile.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile." Teddy said grinning at me.

I dropped my smile and turned my head again. "Stop looking at me perv." I spat.

I turned my attention back to the runners again, mainly on Camren, who saw me staring and waved. I lifted up my hand to begin to wave back, but decided not to since my body is still tired.

She continued smiling away as she was finishing her last lap, but locks of dirty blonde hair slowly began to pass her making her mad as she picked up her pace. It was Ella.

My attention now was immediately on her whether I liked it or not. And I didn't. Not really sure why my mind was so focused on her. I studied her watching as her legs took long and firm strides around the track, while her arms were quickly pumping back and forth by her side. Her sweat was barely visible on her face and clothes. It seems like nothing to her. She continued her steady pace, grinning from ear to ear happy she passed Camren. That's one thing I find strange about her, I've never seen her not smile. It just makes her more interesting to me for some reason.

They were now neck and neck again only feet away from the finish line. Do they ever not race against each other, it's getting annoying now?

"I bet you this time that girl, Camren, is gonna win." Ted spoke up, watching the girls too. "Who are you gonna cheer for?"

Those words.

Not really caring who won. I looked back at him fixing to ask a question, but the bell rang. Oh well.

I got up and walked to the locker room to change. "See you tomorrow Ava!" Teddy hollered.

I got to the locker room before all the other girls since they were stuck listening to the coach talk. I took that time to change so no roaming eyes could stare at me. Especially Ella's.

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