Chapter 369: The Snake Honor (2)

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Translator: Leo Editor: Leo

Angele pushed the door open and stepped inside. He saw someone sitting on the sofa in the darkness.

He was about to draw his sword but realized that the only other person in the main building was Freia.

"Freia, why aren't you sleeping?" Angele questioned in a gentle tone.

"Green?" Freia stood up and ran toward Angele. "I thought you were not coming back..."

Freia jumped into Angele's arms. She was trembling due to the low temperature in the living room. The girl's face was pale and her brow furrowed, it seemed like she had a nightmare.

"That'll never happen." Angele rubbed Freia's long black hair softly. "What happened? You should put on some more clothes."

With a flick of his finger, a ball of red flame beside the two, bringing warmth to the room.

Freia's face turned pale and she hesitated. The girl hugged Angele tight and she started speaking several minutes later.

"Green, I know you have left the mansion many times during the nights..." Freia's body was still trembling. "The nightmares wouldn't stop haunting me and I decided to sit in the living room. I thought of going to the garden but I was scared to go alone. Also, I saw someone peeking at me from the forest on a rainy day, I was so scared and I wanted to talk to you. However, you were nowhere to be found, and I learned that sometimes you were not in the mansion at all..."

Angele could feel the freezing cold but soft body of the girl. He remained silent. He would return to the main world when the night fell, it was impossible for him to stay in the Nightmare Realm forever.

He had tried to take Freia back to the main world. Sadly, none of his methods worked.

There were too many mysterious things in the Nightmare Realm and Angele knew that it was hard for Freia to survive in the mansion alone. The place was too large for the girl. Freia started having nightmares after she learned that Angele was not in the mansion all the time and the fear was infesting her mind slowly.

Angele was certain that Freia would not be able to handle the loneliness even if she was a boy.

"Come on, listen, I'll stay here with you. Just sleep." Angele stood up with Freia in her arms. He walked to the sofa and the burning flame ball was still floating around.

"Thank you, Green..." Freia raised her head and looked at Angele quietly. Her expression loosened as she closed her eyes. The girl fell asleep within seconds.

Angele sat down on the sofa again and stayed up the whole night.

Sleep was not necessary for wizards. Angele would not feel tired without having any rest.

Freia slept quietly in Angele's arms. He decided to practice the Molten Core River since he had the time. Angele's mentality was increasing slowly but steadily.

The morning sunlight shined through the windows and dropped on the red carpet, the latter reflecting some bright red light.

Freia slowly woke up, it seemed like she had a good dream this time.

Freia was growing well; her breasts were larger than what other girls at her age boasted and Angele could see that through the thin black sweater she was wearing.

The girl was only wearing a white underwear on the bottom and she tried to cover it with the long sweater. Freia's face blushed as she just realized that her outfit was revealing.

Angele was still meditating and Freia realized that her "father" would not look at her in a sexual way.

Angele washed Freia's body several times when she was still young and he also helped take care of Freia when she was sick. The girl knew that Angele had seen her naked body and her face stopped blushing. Frey, Todd, and Angele were probably the only three males Freia knew; she felt shy because she knew the basic differences between men and women.

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