Chapter 250: Leaving (1)

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Translator: Leo Editor: Frappe

He untied the cursed scimitar from the belt, twisted its handle, and swung it like a silver metal fan.

Red Beard's expression changed after seeing the cursed scimitar. He raised his right hand and hit the ground.


White steam rose from the mud and blocked Angele's sight. The old man started running to the left.

His face was pale and he was struggling to run in a straight line.


Suddenly, he stopped moving and the silver blade pierced through his chest brutally. Blood spurted out of the wound right away.

Red Beard's body was ignited and he was turned into a human torch. The old man was melting like a candle in the yellow flames.

Angele pulled the scimitar out of Red Beard's body and took two steps back, watching the old man melt.

"It's over. You know who I am but it doesn't matter anymore," he spoke in a light tone.

He raised the scimitar high and cut off Red Beard's head.


Suddenly, the head of the old man started screaming. Golden liquid was leaking out his mouth, eyes, ears. This viscous liquid created a tiny puddle on the ground.

There was a metallic glint on the surface of the pool. The screaming never stopped, and the face that looked like a younger Red Beard appeared in the golden puddle.

"Storm and Eclipse!" The face opened its mouth and chanted the incantation.

Red Beard's head rolled several times on the ground. Angele decided to leap away as he heard the incantation.


Suddenly, a black iron arrow hit the golden face in the pool.

The face stopped invoking the incantation right away.


The golden liquid slowly disappeared and turned into golden energy waves.

The iron arrow released some strong wind and blew all the energy waves away. Some tree leaves were caught in the wind and dropped to the ground. The only thing left there was a dead body with no head.

Angele remained calm. He walked to the dead body, then crouched and started searching. After about ten minutes, he found a black pouch with several crystal cards inside.

Red Beard was indeed telling the truth. The magic device was truly the last valuable thing he had.

Angele stood up, then he turned around and glared at the cliff.

Through the gaps between the trees, he could see a blonde man with curly hair waving his longbow at him.

Angele grabbed the iron arrow and pulled it out of the ground.

He could feel an intense heat coming from the surface of the arrow.

It was covered in complicated runes and there were two tiny bat wings on both sides of the arrow. He also noticed that the fletching was melting.

"Definitely not an ordinary iron arrow..." Angele rubbed the arrow with his hands and detected the remaining energy from the enchantment. It must be a special arrow that was prepared for stopping the last strike from the Red Beard.

He held the cursed scimitar tight and stabbed into Red Beard's melting body.


The noise sounded like the scimitar was sucking his flesh dry.

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