Chapter 213: Liquid Stage (2)

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Translator: Leo Editor: Frappe


The silver needle was coated with the dark green liquid from the potion and the liquid splashed onto Angele’s body. Several seconds later, his skin was painted in green.

Angele’s cold body was warmed up again. The surging life energy brought him back to life, and the blood in his vein started circulating again.

His heart was still not beating due to the power of the Tree Killer Potion.

With the help of the potion, Angele’s pale skin turned red and was absorbing the green liquid quickly.

Each serving of Tree Killer Potion could keep him alive for about two hours, so he needed to hurry.

He started following the basic rules and procedures to construct the necessary runes while he was still meditating.

Angele’s mentality model was shrinking and transforming as the runes changed his mind.

The huge amount of mentality was concentrated into translucent rune models that varied in shapes and sizes. Also, some of the runes were moving toward each other and some were rotating.

Time flew.

Two hours passed by.

Angele used another serving of the Tree Killer Potion with the help of the silver needle.

The green liquid splashed onto his body again.

He consumed the last serving of the potion after another two hours passed by.

Only the last half an hour was left. He barely managed to modify all the mentality models into the translucent rune models that looked like ants moving around.

Angele finished organizing all the models, then started the basic meditating that he had been doing for years.

Suddenly, all the translucent mentality models started repositioning by following a specific pattern.

The models lined themselves up and started hitting each other like building blocks. They merged together after several seconds and turned into a new model.

After the models became larger, they started moving toward each other again. There was not a single gap between any of them.

Several minutes later, only eight large mentality models were left.

However, it seemed like there something stopping those models from merging. No matter how Angele repositioned them, there was always a large gap between them.

Angele opened his eyes and his mouth. The silver needle quickly skewed all the seeds of crystal leaves and sent them into his stomach.

Something cold and freezing exploded in Angele’s stomach and that kind of feeling rushed into his head.

All the remaining mentality models were then coated with some vibrating light red slimy liquid.

Angele started meditating again.

This time, when the gap appeared between the merging mentality models, it was filled up by the light red liquid.


All the mentality models merged into one complete piece.

It looked like a translucent crystal orb. The orb’s surface was solid, but inside it was the translucent gasified mentality. Angele created an energy barrier to stop the gas from leaking out of the orb.

In the core of the crystal orb, there was a special force that was pulling everything toward it. Angele did the calculations using the mentality compression method and this was what he came up with.

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