Chapter 325: Gate of the Garden (2)

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Translator: Leo Editor: Frappe

The odor of burnt meat permeated the air-it came from the heart bombs that had exploded.

Those were all the energy bombs Angele possessed. Three silver scars manifested on his face, and his skin now had a metallic silver glint.

He tightly grasped the greatsword and brandished it forth.


The greatsword then shrank in size quickly and reformed into a long, slim blade. Its length had now increased from two meters to ten meters, and was twisting.

The blade formed a shell-shaped screen of light in front of Angele.


The sword screen collided with a black dot and stopped.

Unos had blocked the sword screen with the black scimitar with a disappointed expression.

"I did not expect you to interrupt my spell!" He was not hurt in the least, seemingly as if the heart bombs had done nothing to him.

"Well, I think I know how to win this now." Blue glows slowly surrounded Unos's horrifying right arm and was becoming brighter and brighter.

Suddenly he raised his right arm and swung forward with his black scimitar. The blade's tip drew an arc in the air and generated a fierce energy wave.

This energy wave was initially a meter long and it started growing in length after it left the blade's tip, increasing to seven meters in length within seconds and soaring through the air.

Unos did not care whether the energy wave had struck Angele or not. He quickly retrieved a small yellow ball about the size of a fist from his pouch and threw it into the air while taking out another one.

Several seconds later, there were now more than ten yellow balls floating around Unos's body. Each of the balls was marked with a blue rune.

Unos began uttering an incantation in a low voice.

The yellow balls exploded in the air, like flowers starting to blossom, and conjured into miniature winged men.

The wings on their backs looked like the ones dragonflies had, but they were flapping so fast that they became blurry. The tiny men were thin and naked, and their blue eyes were the only things that could be found on their faces. Angele was not sure if they were male or female.

They were flying around Unos like bees.

"Go!" Unos pointed at Angele and gave an order.

All the winged men started flying toward Angele.

Sharp metal needles slowly protruded out of Angele's body and floated in the air. The air temperature around him began increasing. There were lines of red energy particles revolving around his body.

Several seconds later, each tip of the metal needles all turned red.

Angele pointed at Unos with his right index finger, while black light flashed in his eyes.

One of the metal needles had infused with the black light but regained its original color quickly.


The needles soared into the air as it flew toward Unos.

The needles, winged men, and the black energy wave from the scimitar smashed against each other savagely. The winged men and energy wave dodged the metal needles, now flying straight toward Angele.

The metal needles, too, did not stop as they continued flying toward Unos.

Everything was traveling at the peak speed. It was nearly impossible for Angele or Unos to dodge.

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