Chapter 16

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 "Doing what?" I ask. Billy presses me against the wall behind me. I whimper.

 "I said, I could please you. If you stay I could make you feel so good," he says. He wraps his arm tightly around my waist and I feel his lips come in contact with my neck. 

 I feel a new texture, a cold metal, grazing the skin of my chest. I wake up and curl into a ball against the dresser next to me. Wondering, "how did I get here?" didn't even cross my mind.

 I call for the first person I could think of. I didn't care what he may have done earlier, I just needed the real him. "BILLY!" I yell.

 Within seconds a boy by the name of Billy Batson slips into the room. "Y/n?" he asks. I reach up for him and he kneels down next to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he straps his own arms around my waist.

 He began apologizing. "I'm so sorry I scared you. I didn't even mean to, Y/n. I don't know what came over me but I just-"

 "Don't let go, Billy," I cry into his shoulder. He holds me tight.

 "O-Okay," he stutters. 

 "Don't let him hurt me," I say. I could hear the fear and worry in his next sentence.

 "Hurt you? Who hurt you?" He pulled away, holding my shoulders tightly in his teenage hands. He scanned my face as if looking for an answer. "Baby... What's going on? Who's hurting you?"

 I pulled him to my body again and cried into his chest. "You," I say with zero context. He holds me tighter than ever before against him and let me sob. 

 "Baby," he says simply. "I'd never hurt you, why do you think-"


 "Not you," I say. He looked confused now. "I think I need to tell you about something that will sound crazy... You may not believe me but I need you to, Billy," I say. 

 "Whatever you say can't possibly be as crazy as me saying a word and hitting adulthood faster than I should be," he chuckles. 

 I pull him to my bed and sit by the pillows, crosslegged with tears in my eyes. He lays on the bed in front of me and stares up at me. He has his fingers crossed on his stomach and his legs hanging limply off the side of the bed. "My dreams," I say simply.

 "What about them?" He asks.

 I sigh and lay down next to him. He wraps his arms around my shoulders while I lay my head on his own shoulder, my arms around his waist tightly. "I have a "dream world" where I have alternate versions of you and Freddy."

 "You do?" He asks. "That's so cute."

 "I thought so too," I say. I take a deep breath before saying, "that was until I realized how real it felt." He looked at me as if me saying that wasn't a bad thing was strange, so I decided to elaborate. "The alternate you asked me if I'd stay in the dream world, I asked what it would take to be there and he said he'd have to kill me."

 "O-Oh..." He stutters out, Fear lacing his body.

 "He held a blade to my throat and it didn't tingle like most dreams. It was just cold and metal against my throat, real..." I looked at him as I said that and he sighed. He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

 "It's just a realistic dream, hon," he whispers.

 He had gone out with Eugene, Pedro and Freddy and supper was slowly approaching. I walked out of my room and saw Rosa on her laptop. The search on the screen was "my teenage daughter thinks her dreams are out to get her, what do I do?"

 I call out, "Rosa?" and she looks at me.

 "O-Oh! Hey!" She says with a nervous smile before closing her laptop swiftly. "I was just about to order some pizza's online, anything you want specifically on it?"

 "Italian sausage?" I ask. She giggles and informs me that the meat was her favourite on a pizza. 

 I walk over to the kitchen and I take out an old Christmas glass, a snowflake stained into the side. I take out orange juice before pouring it into the glass and turning to Rosa. "Put the carton in the fridge," she says and I quickly do as told. 

 I sit at the table with her before asking "What were you doing?"

 She smiles and says, "I already told you I was ordering pizza."

 I scoff and say, "what pizza parlour consists of a daughter thinking her dream is after her, Rosa?" She sighs knowing I knew now.

 "Billy told me... It was worrying." I shake my head and get up. I hear laughter seconds before she was going to say something but I walked out of the house. Pedro walks in, Freddy rubs my shoulder before doing the same. Billy, on the other hand, stood there checking his phone for a minute. 

 "Billy?" I ask while walking down the steps. 

 "Y/n, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to help and-" I cup his cheeks and press my lips to the corner of his mouth for a split second.

 "Why did you tell her?" I ask. 

 "I wanted to help you but I personally didn't know how... Baby... I love you and I don't want you scared to go to-" I cut him off again.

 "Sleep with me then... Tonight because I kind of need you there by my side for when they get bad," I say. 

 He nods his head and mumbles a simple, "sure... I love you so I will."

 "I love you too," I say before kissing him gently. He kisses back and I hear Eugene from behind me.

 "EEW!" he yells. I face him and tell him to go away. 

 "AWW! I love you guys together," Darla squeals. 

 I smirk and say "Kiss me like you miss me red."

 He laughs at my Marvel joke (THAT'S RIGHT! A MARVEL JOKE!) and kisses me lovingly. I kiss back and feel safer than ever. 

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